Chapter 29

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'Are you going to tell me where we're going?'

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'Are you going to tell me where we're going?'


'Jin, I don't see what the big deal is. Just tell me already!'

'No, Yunhee!'

Yunhee crossed her arms and slid down the passenger seat with a pout.

She was going insane. Jin had been driving through Seoul for over thirty minutes but refused to tell her anything about their final destination. The one saving grace was that he looked super excited about their spontaneous trip. She knew that if Jin was happy, there was generally nothing to stress about.

What was odd, though, was Jimin agreeing to let her leave under their current circumstances. He hadn't been overly keen on their spur-of-the-moment outing when discussing it with Jin this morning.

If Yunhee gets a single scratch, don't bother coming back.

That had been his exact statement before he'd eventually conceded, but not before pulling Jin aside for a quiet word.

Everyone in the apartment was acting weird lately.

Jimin was being vague about what they'd found in Taehyung's accounts, even though he'd promised to update her on any progress made. She'd even approached Namjoon to see what she could find out, but Jimin's subtle kick and his "keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you" death-stare soon silenced the man.

Today's arbitrary outing was undoubtedly linked to their discovery, which meant Jin was in on it too.

Why couldn't they just tell her? It's not like the knowledge on Taehyung could get any worse. Did Jimin want her out of the apartment for a reason? Was he sneaking around again?

Yunhee suddenly sat up in her seat as Jin indicated to pull off the busy highway. 'What's he up to, Jinnie?'

'N-nothing...' he stuttered, trying to concentrate on filtering into a lane of traffic.

'Kim Seokjin, you're not playing fair!'

'Jeez,' Jin hunched his shoulders and flinched, 'will you not shoot the messenger, please? I promised Jimin I'd keep my mouth shut.'

'You mean he threatened you with violence if you told me, right?' Yunhee probed as she cast him a stern gaze.

'Something like that,' Jin muttered before releasing a deep sigh. 'Listen, you don't have to worry about anything, Yunhee, okay? This could be a great opportunity.'

A great opportunity? What did that mean? And why were Jin's eyes sparkling like he was in on some saucy little secret?

'Can we please change the subject?' he implored, biting anxiously on his bottom lip as he switched lanes and headed into the heart of Seoul. 'I gave Jimin my word that I wouldn't say anything, so I'm sticking to that.'

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