Chapter 9

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Rain splattered on the apartment window, lightning illuminating the streets and thunder shaking the building

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Rain splattered on the apartment window, lightning illuminating the streets and thunder shaking the building. Tae paced his living room, listening for the sound of Yunhee's voice above the abundant showers as he called her for the fifteenth time that evening.

Alas, the same voicemail greeted him every time.

!' he shouted, launching his phone across the room while whipping off his glasses. It landed on the sofa with a bounce, but he was too hacked off to notice or even care if it broke, his concern for Yunhee paramount.

Can you believe my first delivery was to some corrupt club in Itaewon?

Yunhee's words replayed in his head like a broken record, driving him insane and leaving him to believe that none of this was a coincidence.

Jimin had taken her.

His drop in at the House of Cards last night proved futile.

The club was practically empty save for a bartender and a few drunken punters with promiscuous girls on their laps, but Yunhee's absence did nothing to alter his conclusion. Jimin had likely moved her to another location and was now biding his time before he got in touch to strike a deal.

Tae laughed bitterly; playing games was his old friend's forte.

He remembered their hostile exchange at university, dangling his father's life on a string as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world. It was second nature to the prick, and now Jimin was toying with him all over again because of some fucking money he unquestionably didn't need.

Taking a seat, he tapped his fingers on his bouncing knees, depressingly recalling his break up with Yunhee yesterday morning.

He only had himself to blame for his girlfriend - Tae sighed - ex-girlfriend getting caught up in this mess. When she'd moved into his apartment in Daechi all those months ago, it had been bliss. Now everything was upside down and she'd been missing for over twenty-four hours.

Perhaps it was all some shitty nightmare. Maybe she would walk through the door any minute and scold him in that sassy tone that he loved to hear.

At least then he could tell her the truth and how sorry he was. He could beg for her to give him the chance to make it up to her.

Every nerve ending in his body exploded when his phone rang.

Tae lunged across the sofa, tossing cushions over his shoulder in a desperate effort to locate his phone. With clammy hands, he picked up the device, his eyes glassy and wide as he read the unknown number.

Gradually rising to his feet, Tae pressed the phone to his ear, watching the rain pelt against the window as the line connected.

'Jun Taehyun,' a contemptuous voice spoke.

Tae closed his eyes and searched for a scrap of endurance. The voice on the line was one he'd recognise amongst a million others, even after years of no contact.

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