Chapter 10

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This time, Yunhee was certain that she was dead

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This time, Yunhee was certain that she was dead.

There was no other logical explanation as to what just happened.

The grapple with Jimin made sense; customary behaviour whenever the two of them were together.

Tripping over a broken stone was typical; she was the clumsiest woman in South Korea.

Smacking Jimin in the chest was compulsory, and him trying to break her fall as she tumbled over was a tad uncharacteristic for a notorious Mafia King, but not impossible.

Falling infinitely into what looked like a supermassive black hole of stars, however, was not conceivable.

The only aspect of the scenario that made her realise she was alive was the solid thump to her arse and yelp of pain when they finally landed.

'Ow,' Yunhee mewled, whimpering like a baby with her eyes screwed shut.

There was a dead weight preventing her from sitting up. Somewhere in the back of her fuzzy mind, Yunhee was aware that she needed to move. She needed to find Tae, keep running and get as far away from Park Jimin as possible.

That's when she heard a groan.

Yunhee's eyes shot open, dismayed to find the very man she was supposed to be running from pinning her to the ground with his face buried in the crook of her neck. He was moving sluggishly, the words he uttered sounding husky as he writhed on top of her.

'What are you doing?' she panicked, squeezing her hands between their bodies to press at Jimin's chest. She shoved him so that he rolled off and onto his back. 'Get off me, you pig!'

Panting hard, Yunhee jumped to her feet and glared at him in disgust. The man was conscious, but drowsy, shaking himself off as he clambered to his feet.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' she screeched, appalled that the piece of filth was taking advantage of her during a vulnerable moment. 'You said I was not your type!'

'Whatever you're thinking,' Jimin cringed as he eyeballed her and rubbed at his nape, 'it's not that.'

'Whatever,' Yunhee exhaled, gobsmacked to see the well-kept man windswept and frazzled. Under any other circumstances, she would have laughed at his appearance, but she was distracted by an uneasy feeling in her gut.

Something about their situation felt wrong.

Ignoring the terrible ache in her limbs, Yunhee looked towards the exit for Tae, her brow scrunching in confusion when she discovered he wasn't there. She whipped around and scanned the warehouse.

Jin and Namjoon had disappeared too, along with the horrendous storm that had been raging outside. On top of that, the atmosphere had altered, the electricity charging the air replaced with an eerie stillness.

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