Chapter 38

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Yunhee smacked her lips together and rolled onto her back as she roused from a deep slumber

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Yunhee smacked her lips together and rolled onto her back as she roused from a deep slumber.

Oddly, her alarm hadn't rang, and she couldn't hear Taehyung singing in the bathroom, his baritone voice usually her back up call. She wasn't even sure what time it was or if she was ready to get up for work yet.

All she understood was that she needed coffee, a shower, and a slap across the face to bring her to her senses.

Burying her cheek into the soft pillow, Yunhee listened to the crashing waves drifting in and out of her conscience. She must have been dreaming; she'd heard them all night, but as she yawned and opened her eyes, her blurry vision was met with peaceful blue skies, white sands and a dark green sea.

A lump formed in her throat as everything flooded back to her. She was at the beach house, but instead of the familiar clatter of ladles and the aromatic smell of pancakes wafting from the kitchen, there was a musty stench and an unbearable silence.

Somewhere within the four walls, though, slept three men, their presence dulling the ache she felt for the family she missed dearly.

Shuffling up her pillow, Yunhee swirled patterns on the sheets and stared outside.

The beach looked inviting, the foaming water reminding her of her grandma's tinkling laughter as they splashed through the shallow depths. Perhaps she could take a walk later, feel the coarse sand between her toes as the breeze blew through her hair. Anything to clear her head after two weeks of bedlam.

After a night of bedlam.

The masquerade had been terrifying. Taehyung and his men had gotten too close, but other aspects of the evening left her cheeks burning and her heart racing.


Their near kiss, their heated argument that'd led to him spewing emotions after believing that he wasn't attracted to her.

Yunhee sunk deeper into the mattress, biting her lip as she recalled his playfully kind words and lustful gaze when he'd pulled her against him.

It was almost enough to make her forget that Taehyung and some Russian perverts had set their greedy sights on her. Speaking of, Jimin had probably not slept. She'd bet one of her favourite hoodies that the man had stayed up all night to trawl over ideas and formulate a plan on how to stop them.

Yunhee's eyes widened and she shot up with a gasp. What if he'd needed her help?

Scrambling from under the bedding, she threw on the clothing she'd arrived in, using the dusty mirror to pat down the wild hair that was smooth not six hours ago. She looked chaotic, her cheeks rosy and her eyes smudged with mascara, but for the first time in years, she didn't detest the reflection staring back at her.

Her eyes were sparkling, her skin glowing with something she hadn't seen for a long while.


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