Chapter 44

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Hey guys, I truly hope you are all keeping fit and well

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Hey guys, I truly hope you are all keeping fit and well.

Times are a little tough for us all right now with an uneasy sense of the unknown. I want you to know that like everything in life, 'this too shall pass'.

Turn off your TVs, avoid the media and constant stream of fearmongering b*llshit. Listen to good music, meditate, find a new hobby. Don't panic, use your heads wisely, and above all, read some more Hahm.

I love you all :-) x

p.s I apologise in advance if this chapter actually stresses people out more than they already are lmao


The living room was bright with early morning sun, dust particles dancing in the rays that drifted through the blinds.

Jimin drank his coffee, admiring the way the soft glow highlighted Yunhee's smooth legs and tousled hair as she slept soundly on the sofa. He wished she always looked this peaceful. He wished he could stay with her like this forever and erase the stress of the weary world.

Alas, Kim Taehyung was a bitch and then you died.

The stairs creaked and Jimin's head whipped right. Namjoon emerged, his hair ruffled, and his shirt and boxers creased as he padded into the living room rubbing his puffy face. The second Jimin pressed a finger to his mouth, his friend paused and his eyes landed on the sleeping form of Yunhee.

Namjoon smirked, evidently putting two and two together when he glanced at her bare calves and then at Jimin's naked chest.

'Good morning,' he mouthed. 'Feeling better now?'

Jimin scoffed; he wanted to be facetious?

Climbing to his feet, Jimin motioned for him to follow him into the kitchen, keeping his voice down as he spoke. 'I'm still the same person I was yesterday, Namjoon, and not afraid to headbutt you if you make one indecent remark.'

Namjoon laughed as Jimin prepped his dimply friend an espresso and flashed him a cheeky grin.

That answered his question.

'Nice one, Casanova.'

'Moving swiftly on,' Jimin said quickly, 'I need an update on that email.'

The tension in the air grew thick and fast - they were about to break the deal of a lifetime between two treacherous mob bosses - but when Namjoon helplessly shook his head and sighed, Jimin knew they were no further along.

'The fuck?' Jimin muttered darkly while scooping coffee grains into the portafilter, 'it's been nearly thirty-six hours. What businessman doesn't check his emails for nearly thirty-six hours? Doesn't Alexander have a PA or a secretary or something?'

'Do you?' Namjoon countered good-naturedly as he folded his arms and jerked an eyebrow.

'Yeah, Jin checks my emails.'

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