Chapter 32

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Glancing over her shoulder, Yunhee's eyes sought the person she feared most

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Glancing over her shoulder, Yunhee's eyes sought the person she feared most.

Taehyung was nowhere to be seen, but in the distance, another potent man stared directly at her. His Eastern European features stood out in the crowd, his hard-set eyes and wide stance exuding a power that commanded attention.

Eager to escape the gaze of the overbearing man, she laced her fingers within Jimin's and allowed him to lead her onto the empty balcony.

The terrace was made of a stone that matched the exterior of the mansion, barricaded by a thick semi-circle balustrade that sat atop a row of grey stone pillars. It was quite a drop to the landscape gardens, but the house was built on a hillside, so the rear of the property had three stories while the front only had two.

The vista was incredible, but it was the twinkling city lights in the distance that completed the scene.

Leaning on the railing, Jimin leisurely drank his champagne with a content look beneath his mask as his eyes raked over the view.

'I like to come out here to think. It's peaceful and helps me unwind after a tedious day.'

'It's beautiful,' Yunhee agreed, the cool night air whipping through her hair as she mirrored his stance.

'It is.' Jimin lifted a finger from his glass and pointed at the garden below. 'It'd be better without that monstrosity, though.'

'Oh?' Yunhee questioned while leaning forward to follow his line of sight.

There, in the middle of a perfectly mowed lawn, sat a bulky fountain with a cherub spurting water from its plum-shaped lips.

'I always hated that thing,' Jimin said bitterly.

'Why?' Yunhee asked curiously, turning her masked face to him as she continued to lean over the balcony.

'My father installed it when I was five,' he explained, 'I'm not entirely sure who built it in this world, but it's still as ugly as sin.'

Yunhee regarded him carefully. Jimin had not outright articulated it, but she sensed a strong animosity in his words as he spoke about his father. Tilting her head, she glanced down at the garden feature one last time before nodding in agreement.

'You're right; it's terrible. We should destroy it.'

Jimin barked out an exuberant laugh, his head lolling between his shoulders as they jolted up and down. He lifted his face a fraction and angled it toward her, his eyes crinkling to crescent moons as he flashed his gorgeous white teeth.

Yunhee couldn't help but help return the warm gesture, loving the way his hard features altered when he laughed. It reminded her of the night they'd howled in her bedroom, a memory she secretly wanted to treasure for the rest of her days.

It also reminded her of another time and place. Laughter, music, chaste kisses. A memory in a bar that didn't belong to her, but one that was just as precious.

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