Chapter 49

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Yunhee remained curled up against the wall while Taehyung's heartless words replayed in her head, but one statement stood out above all

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Yunhee remained curled up against the wall while Taehyung's heartless words replayed in her head, but one statement stood out above all.

Enjoy your time together.

Twice now Taehyung had hinted that Jimin was alive. Yunhee remained hopeful, but the idea of Jimin undergoing some heroic rescue mission made her apprehensive.

He couldn't come here; it was too dangerous, and it was what Taehyung wanted. If he stepped foot inside this mansion, they would kill him, and that was exactly why she had to get herself out and back to the beach house herself.

Wiping her nose, Yunhee climbed to her feet, her heart jumping to her throat when lightning lit the room and she saw a dark shadow under the bed.

She convinced herself that it was her imagination as she moved to the stained glass window, that it was as real as the swaying trees and scary shapes children saw when tucked up under their blankets.

Ignoring the tingling in her spine, Yunhee tried to lift the window, but it wouldn't budge. She fiddled with the lock at the base, her frustration quickly spiralling to anger when that also refused to move.

She whacked the glass with her elbow, again and again, biting her teeth against each jolt of pain that burst through her arm. She didn't care if she cut herself, she didn't care if she bust her ankle on the way down.

She would take her chances outside.

Frantically, Yunhee tried to lift the glass panel again, bending her knees and putting her full weight into the job. Her face crippled from the energy she exerted, tears welling in her eyes as she whined in desperation.

'Come on!' she shouted, thwacking the lock with her hand. Her skin broke in her attempt to dislodge the clasp, a stream of blood pouring from her palm and staining the wooden floorboards. 'Please, please, please-'

Yunhee stopped, her blood crystallising to ice when she heard footsteps behind her.

It wasn't her imagination this time; there was someone in the bedroom.

Had Taehyung returned? Had Hoseok finally come to have his way?

With a frenzied sense of determination, Yunhee grabbed the nearest chair and used all her strength to throw it at the glass, but it was suddenly ripped from her grasp and a hand clamped around her mouth.

A muffled scream left her lips when she was yanked away from the window, a grunt of pain leaving her attacker's mouth when she elbowed them in the gut.

Yunhee battled wildly to break free, but whoever had a hold of her suddenly swung her around and shoved her against the wall. She huffed beneath the hand covering her mouth, her eyes squeezing shut as the person pressed their body into hers to stop her from flailing.

'It's me, it's me, it's me!' a man hissed.

The voice instantaneously halted Yunhee's hopeless effort, her eyes flying open to be met with a pair of familiar brown eyes that made her want to weep with joy.

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