Chapter 40

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It was true

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It was true.

Hahm Yunhee really did fancy Park Jimin.

Particularly tonight with his loose-fitted clothes, bare feet and thick, silver hair dusted with sea salt and sand.

There was no shame in him knowing; Jimin had admitted that he thought she was beautiful on more than one occasion. What she couldn't handle was the man's relentless teasing. It had gone on and on to the point where Yunhee wanted to break a few more of his ribs.

It was either that, or hop onto his lap and kiss the stupid man senseless.

Unable to handle her emotions, Yunhee had scrambled to her feet and marched away to prove a point.

As predicted, Jimin was quick to chase her along the beach, and she was quick to smirk in satisfaction when he'd draped an arm around her shoulder and apologised for winding her up.

They'd stayed like that for some time, strolling along the white sands together, chatting about everything and nothing as the sun disappeared below the horizon and brought with it a blanket of twinkling stars.

It was natural. Comfortable.

They'd been through so much in such a short space of time, learning new things about each other, their past, and what had happened to the other Jimin and Yunhee. Their lives were woven like a fine thread, always knitting together, parting, tangling and intertwining.

Who would have thought all this time that she was the key to Taehyung and Jimin's fates?

Yunhee had not once forgotten the moment she'd laid eyes on Jimin on that rainy afternoon ten years ago, but until tonight, she'd overlooked Taehyung's account of their story and how she had altered Jimin's decision in this universe.

She'd been a fool not to notify him sooner, but so much had happened over the past week that the significance of that specific day had slipped her mind.

At least Jimin wasn't mad at her. He knew the truth, they both did, and as they walked along the endless sands outside her grandma's house, Yunhee felt invigorated.

'Okay, my turn,' Jimin said in an adamant voice, 'let me think, though.'

Jimin looked up to the black sky and chewed the inside of his cheek.

They were in the middle of a quickfire round, but the man was mulling over his next question like his life depended on it. So far, he'd learned that Yunhee had broken her wrist falling from a climbing frame at the age of four, had cried herself to sleep after watching Titanic, and had never skipped a single class during school.

Yunhee was surprised to learn that Jimin had broken twelve different bones, had never seen the classic movie, and had also never skipped a class. She was not surprised to hear, though, that most of his tutors had given him and his notorious family name a wide berth during his academic days.

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