Chapter 46

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The stark light behind his eyelids was blinding, but when Jimin managed to pry his eyes open, it was surprisingly dark

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The stark light behind his eyelids was blinding, but when Jimin managed to pry his eyes open, it was surprisingly dark.

There was a throb in his right shoulder and a grogginess in his brain that threatened to throw him back into the depths of unconsciousness, but he wrestled against it, his instincts screaming for him to wake up.

Ears ringing with tinnitus, he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He was lying on a bed in the middle of a room, a lamp glowed on a bedside table next to a bowl of bloodstained rags, and besides that, a man perched on a chair and stared at him anxiously.

'J-Jin...?' he croaked, appalled at how dry his mouth was. Where the hell was he? Why was his brain so fuzzy? And why was his comrade's hair purple?

'Thank God.' Jin became fully alert and sat up suddenly in his seat. 'Joonie!'

Jimin cringed as he cast his eyes over his friend's face. The raucous hurt his ears, but it confirmed that Jin was doing just fine despite being bruised and covered in dry blood.

Sheesh, what had they gotten themselves into this time?

A foggy confusion clouded Jimin's mind, his brow carved with lines of concern as he glanced down at his body.

His torso was naked, but it looked intact, no scrapes or bruises other than a few fading yellow marks that he had no recollection of receiving. His shoulder, however, was on fire and strapped up with a white bandage stained with an alarming amount of blood.

Great, Jimin thought as footsteps thundered on a staircase, another war wound to add to the collection.

'You're awake!' Namjoon hollered as he limped through the door.

Jimin's head zipped up, but he winced when a course of molten lava shot through his shoulder. Pushing it aside, he surveyed the panting man standing over him, alarmed to see he too was sporting a black and blue face.

'Are you okay?' Namjoon beseeched. 'How are you feeling?'

Uncertainty infiltrated Jimin's brain, his features riddled with bewilderment as he peered at the two men waiting eagerly for his answer.

The last thing he remembered was visiting a warehouse on the banks of the Han River. There'd been an exchange, a sassy little woman giving him hell, a storm filled with lightning and stars, and then...

Jimin gasped and shot up, his memory flooding back to him so fast he felt like he'd been punched in the solar plexus.


'How long have I been out?' Jimin seethed as he pushed the blankets aside and glanced out the window.

The sky was darkening, and last time he checked the sun was rising.

This was not happening.

'Most of the day,' Jin stuttered as Jimin tried to sit up. 'Jimin, wait-'

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