Chapter 30

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'For Christ's sake! That was off-side!' Namjoon hollered as he chucked a piece of fried chicken into his mouth

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'For Christ's sake! That was off-side!' Namjoon hollered as he chucked a piece of fried chicken into his mouth.

Jimin's focus moved from the TV to the man beside him as he took a swig of his beer.

It was a surreal scene, Namjoon dressed in three-quarter shorts and a sleeveless baseball shirt, Jimin in sweatpants and a scruffy t-shirt, but Yunhee had suggested he make an effort in getting to know them.

He'd bitten the bullet, resulting in football, fried chicken and beer, but his friend looked cross, his fingers tapping an irritated beat on the arm of the sofa as he chewed furiously on his food.

'This match is bullshit,' Namjoon stated, throwing his hand in the air and swearing at the television.

Jimin had grown accustomed to the yelling as his eyes followed the football being whizzed across the screen. It had been a long time since he'd found the time to watch a game, the manly sport going on the back burner the moment he'd stepped into his influential position.

These days, he spent his spare time at home sipping whiskey and going over his accounts until he was too exhausted to think straight.

Living as Mafia King isolated him from anything remotely close to a social life, but even now, as he tried to kick back and relax, he found himself barely paying attention to the player's tactics.

He was too busy using the rhythm of the ball as a distraction against the glaringly obvious issue.

Yunhee was not home.

Jimin wondered if she was aware that Jin was taking her out to buy a dress yet. He'd had to convince himself that it was okay for her to leave, and also persuade Yunhee to actually go without an explanation as to where.

He'd not quite had the guts to tell her the truth about the masquerade; the event was being held at Taehyung's residence, which was a bit of a touchy subject.

It was a close call.

Jin had almost dropped the dreaded 'S' word this morning when they suggested she head out for a few hours, but Jimin's subtle kick had stopped the man before he could say too much.

Yunhee would undoubtedly throw a shit-fit if she found out she was shopping for a dress, and so Jin had laughed it off and quickly spun tales about getting some fresh air and exploring the city.

Not understanding why Jimin was trying to pawn her off, Yunhee had stubbornly dug her heels in and demanded details, but she'd eventually surrendered if only to stop Jin from whining like a baby.

Seeing the fear in Yunhee's eyes, Jimin had pulled her aside and assured her that she would be fine as long as they stuck to public places, stayed out of trouble, and she kept her mouth shut.

There was also the gun he'd handed to Jin for extra protection with a quick rundown on how to use it, coupled with the menacing threat to protect Yunhee with his life or not bother returning.

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