Chapter 26

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Rodeo Street

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Rodeo Street.

A boulevard in Texas Village filled with prostitution, sex shops, strip clubs, and adult theatres. It was where all walks of life came to pay and play, to seek pleasure where it couldn't be found at home, and to lose themselves in the façade of another identity.

It was the red-light district of Seoul.

And it was where Jimin and Yunhee were situated.

Mae Siyeon was the twenty-two-year-old woman that he and Yunhee had picked at random from Taehyung's list. It was no surprise to discover she was a natural beauty after finding a picture of her online, but her heart-shaped face and fawn eyes were chillingly familiar.

After printing off her photo, the pair had left for the address located in Cheonho, determined to investigate Taehyung's sordid affairs to see what they could uncover.

Jimin surmised that Siyeon was a working girl, and given the location of the address, she lived in a brothel. He'd never made it his business to visit the disreputable district in the past - for professional or personal reasons - but as Jimin hurried along the road packed with hungry eyes and potential customers; a brooding sense of discomfort took over him.

Girls of all ages wearing next to nothing flaunted their round arses as he passed the window displays, but none of them appealed to him. Jimin was interested in one woman only.

Well, two to be precise. The one in the photo tucked away in his jacket pocket, and the one dressed in jeans and a zip-up hoodie walking uncertainly by his side.

Jimin wasn't sure what had come over him last night when he'd agreed for Yunhee to tag along; he'd have preferred for her to remain with Jin and Namjoon after learning about Taehyung's sickening schemes. Still, here she was, trundling along, her eyes huge and curious as she took in the sexual circus around them.

It was quite amusing to watch; Yunhee didn't know where to look. She was naïve to the immoral world around them, her gaze flickering to the beautiful women on exhibition every few seconds, and then shooting away to the floor in embarrassment.

As they passed by a female package-deal that was naked save a thin strip of material, she tripped over her own feet and stumbled forward like a klutz.

'Like what you see?' Jimin teased as he nodded towards two women who were passionately kissing.

'What?' Yunhee spluttered, her head whipping in his direction. 'No!'

In the space of two seconds, her face switched from outraged to confused and then settled into a glare when she grasped that he was joshing.

'I've never seen this sorta thing before,' Yunhee explained, gesturing to the windows as they moved along. 'Besides, I like men!'

'They have men, too.' Yunhee pulled a face, and Jimin matched it when he realised what he'd said. 'Not that I'm suggesting you want to pay for sex. Or have to.'

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