Chapter 34

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Shit. Yunhee was about to have a panic attack.

Hoseok was out there, she was trapped in a bathroom waiting for a miracle, and her phone lay discarded where she'd tossed it because Jimin still wasn't answering. By God, when he showed his face, she was going to murder him. Jump on him and hug him to death, but then murder him.

As she sat with her back glued to the wall, her teeth nibbling on the fingernails pressed anxiously to her mouth, Yunhee tried not to think about what sort of dilemma Jimin may have been in. He was a smart man, a good fighter and a pro-shot. He could handle himself. He would be fine. He was fine.

Then where in the fresh hell was he?

As if by chance, Yunhee's phone lit up and vibrated across the tiles. She immediately threw herself at the device, not even needing to check the display to know who it was as she fumbled to answer the call.

'Where are you?' Jimin instantly hissed down the phone, his voice filled with worry, anger and relief.

'The bathroom,' Yunhee half-whispered, cupping her mouth over the receiver as her eyes warily darted to the door.

'Which one?'

'Um...' Yunhee scrambled to her feet, looking at the décor to find an item she could define.

This was ridiculous. Normal people had one bathroom, not eight. Other than the typical porcelain toilet and sink, everything was standard, but then her eyes landed on a distinct ornament perched next to the sink.

'There's some tacky gold statue of a naked woman...' The line fell quiet. So quiet that Yunhee thought she'd been cut off. 'Jimin, are you there?'

'Taehyung has the same statue?'

'Jimin!' Yunhee cried in irritation.

'Okay, don't move,' he ordered before the line went dead.

Yunhee gathered her bric-a-brac from the sink and stuffed it back inside her clutch bag. Picking up the awfully heavy figurine, she then braced herself beside the door and held it close to her chest.

Jimin was on his way, but she was not taking any chances with that slimeball Jung Hoseok on the prowl.

Outside she could hear the rumbling voices of the crowd, inside, the rapid beat of her heart drumming against her ribcage. Footsteps approached and Yunhee squeezed her eyes shut, her sweaty fingers tightening around the statue as the door burst open.

With a high-pitched squeal, she swung the gold ornament through the air, praying to God that if it was Jimin, his quick reflexes would stop her in time.

Not only did the statue come to a jarring halt mid-air, but Yunhee was forced backwards, her body slamming into the wall as someone kicked the door shut and held her wrist beside her head.

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