Chapter 47

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There was a strange sense of déjà vu as Yunhee stared at her reflection, but what she wore tonight didn't compare to the classy number she'd worn for the masquerade

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There was a strange sense of déjà vu as Yunhee stared at her reflection, but what she wore tonight didn't compare to the classy number she'd worn for the masquerade.

The black dress Taehyung had provided was low-cut and so short it skimmed the tops of her thighs.

After pulling herself together earlier, she'd taken a hot shower and prepared for the evening ahead by slipping into the outfit. She looked...different, the make-up and curls creating a provocative facade she was not accustomed to.

Alas, Yunhee was dressed to kill. And that was exactly what she was going to do.

The clock on the mantelpiece chimed eight signalling it was time to leave. Taehyung was no doubt waiting for her. How bad could it be? Dinner with a man who was the image of Tae. If she could get through the next hour, it would buy her time to find something to use against him.

Preferably a sharp knife that would sink easily into his gracefully long neck.

Yunhee twirled in fright when the bedroom door swung open, her heart missing a beat when Hoseok slipped into the room with an unpleasant sneer.

'You look tasty,' he commented as his thirsty eyes scanned her body.

'And you look like a wanker,' Yunhee bit back and squared her shoulders when he approached. His lips were curled in an obnoxious smirk, the scratch marks on his cheek a reminder of their fight early this morning. 'I wouldn't if I were you.'

'Wouldn't what, kitten?' he challenged cockily.

'Don't call me that.' Yunhee gritted her teeth. She didn't care if he was the spitting image of her beloved Hobi; this man was an unmitigated nightmare. 'Are you here to escort me or have you just come to gloat?'

Hoseok's smirk switched to a sneer of disdain as he snatched her wrist, tugged her close and moved his lips to her ear. 'You should thank your lucky stars that I listen to my boss. If I had my way, you wouldn't be able to walk for weeks.'

'I guess it's just you and your imagination tonight,' Yunhee hissed as she pulled her head back. Lifting her chin, she defiantly stared him in the face. 'Are we done here?'

Hoseok's temple twitched, but he released her wrist and said nothing more as he walked to the door.

'This way, kitten,' he ordered before disappearing from the bedroom.

Mustering her courage, Yunhee followed him down to the foyer until he stopped outside a set of double doors tucked behind the staircase. She moved cautiously inside when he opened them, her eyes adjusting to the flickering candlelight until she realised where she was standing.

The dining room she and Jimin had passed through to reach the ballroom was fit for a King.

A dining table that seated at least sixteen spanned the length of the room, its polished surface empty except for two spaces set up opposite each other. Fresh flowers spewed from a vase along with two flaming candles, a bottle of white wine and a pair of crystal glasses.

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