Chapter 2

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'I'm gonna skin that son-of-a-bitch alive

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'I'm gonna skin that son-of-a-bitch alive.'

Park Jimin slammed his hands on his desk and sprang to his feet, his fierce eyes cutting a glare at the two men opposite him.

He was angry, no, furious, trying to wrap his head around how his two best men - Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin - had allowed such a disastrous mistake to happen. They were his family. They were supposed to protect each other.

'How could you not spot this sooner?' he rasped, knuckles digging into the mahogany surface. 'He's been embezzling money from right under our nose for months!'

'Boss,' Namjoon cleared his throat, shifting from one foot to another as his cheeks burned red, 'with all due respect, he was using an alternative name.'

Jimin's eyes narrowed to slits as he circled around his desk, making sure the man who was trying to defend himself understood precisely where he was coming from.

'With all due respect, it makes the least bit of difference to me. Joe Bloggs or Mickey Fucking Mouse; he stole from us,' Jimin smouldered, nose inches from his. 'I entrust you and you alone to oversee the financial aspects of our business. I also entrust you to run background checks on every man and woman we employ so cunning little shits like him don't slip through the net.'

'Yes, boss,' Namjoon agreed, though it did nothing to appease Jimin's rage.

'A hundred and fifty million, Joon. A hundred and fifty million fucking won.'

Jimin's eyes flicked to the man standing beside him. Jin, his underboss, was remarkably quiet, a calm look upon his face as he watched the exchange. It was clear that, even though both men had been summoned to the club to talk about their latest debacle, Namjoon was the one under the firing line.

Namjoon was the brains of their organisation, a devious sidekick who stopped blunders before they could escalate into a fiscal calamity. Jimin trusted the man with everything, but the current error made him seriously reconsider the man's position within the company.

For the first time in years, he had royally screwed up.

'You'd better find a way to fix this, or so help me God you will be lined up next to Kim Taehyung when I put a bullet in his face.' Jimin turned and strode back to his chair, throwing himself into the leather seat with a huff. 'Get out.'

Namjoon didn't hang around, hurriedly bowing out and exiting the dimly lit office. As soon as the door closed, Jimin sank back in his seat and loosened his tie, shaking his head in amazement as his eyes caught those of the man still present in the room.

Jin sauntered over to the cabinet, picking up two crystal glasses and a decanter of Scotch. He poured them both a drink and handed one to Jimin before perching on the edge of the desk. Jimin eyed the honey-coloured liquid thoughtfully.

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