Chapter 1

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Kim Seok-Jin POV

"Good evening. How's it going? Don't worry I brought you new flowers to replace the old ones. I know you'll love them they're your favorite. Well second favorite right next to this face" I chuckle as I kneel down to change the old peonies with new ones. I sit next to her looking down at her name printed on the plaque on the grass.

 "Listen, I know things are kind of a mess right now, but I promise I'm in the process of fixing everything," I said while looking up "Well I'm trying at least," I add as I look back down at her name again. "Okay fine I can't lie to you. I'm completely failing, but after much debating and talking with aunt Min-Seo, I've decided to go work with her and save money to go back to school. Hopefully I'll be able to enroll by the next school year. I promise I'll make you proud." I smiled as I felt a couple tears make their way down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them off though. I know she hates to see me sad.

"I'll be leaving for Seoul in the morning, but I'll try not to be gone for long. Think of it as a vacation for me, and Chae-Won promised to come by a couple times a month to keep you company and bring you flowers." I let out a heavy sigh as I trace her name with my fingertips. It's been over a year since the accident, but the pain makes it feel like I just lost her yesterday. There are times I wake up looking for any sign that shows that the past year was all a huge nightmare and that she's alive, but it never happens. I always wake up and go to sleep to an empty apartment. 

After mom died everything spiraled out of control. I was having trouble keeping up with the bills, so I ended up leaving school to get another job, but that still wasn't cutting it. I ended up selling most of our stuff, and that kept me going for another month, but eventually I ran out of valuables. I tried keeping it from aunt Min-Seo, but she started visiting more often to check up on me and she eventually called me out on it.

Flashback one month ago

"KIM SEOK-JIN!" I heard yelling from my room.

"Yes?" I peaked my head through the side of my door.

"Why is your room empty?" Auntie waved her hand around the blank space where my bed and wardrobe used to be.

"It's not completely empty. I still have my nightstand and my clothes." I gave her my widest smile trying to ease the tension. It didn't work.

"But why?"

"Because no one wanted it. I'm lucky I was even able to sell my bed set. I had to beg that guy to take it."

"You're done here. I'm calling my boss and asking him if he can give you a job at the mansion." This wasn't the first time she pitched in the idea of me moving, but I always shrugged it off. This time, however, I could tell she was serious and wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.


"No. Don't argue with me. Look at this place. I was forced to accept you selling the couch and the dinning room set, but this is too far. You don't even have a bed. Do you plan to live like this for the rest of your life? You even left school. Jin you're only twenty-four. This is going to take a toll on you eventually. You tried your best to stay here, but it's time for you to let go of your pride and admit that there's nothing left here for you." I felt a knot in my throat and a sting in my eyes as she finished lecturing me.

"Mother is here though." I say looking down in shame. "I don't want to leave her."

"I know you don't, but you have to realize that this isn't the life she wanted for you-"

"How do you know what life she wanted for me? These past several months are the most I've seen you in years!" I snapped "You didn't even say goodbye when you left. You were just here one day and gone the next. You didn't even give an explanation as to why you left, you just did! So what makes you think you have the right to tell me what my mom wanted for me? You hardly even knew her. You want to know what's best for me? For you to do what you do best and leave." She let out a small gasp in shock.

We stayed there in an awkward silence for a while. Eventually she started getting her stuff and started walking out of the room.

 "I'm sorry aunt. I was just really mad and-" she held her hand motioning for me to stop talking.

"You're right. I shouldn't have left without saying why, but if you think your mom would be okay with you living like this then maybe you didn't know her all that well either." She took a breath in then let out a sigh before she continued. "You're not leaving your mom behind. You're leaving her grave. The corpse in the ground, that's not her. That's just her bones. The memories you have of her, though, the memory of what her voice sounds like, of what she looked like and how she looked at you, that's her, and that's with you everywhere you go. I know you miss her and that void in your heart right now, its never going to be completely filled, but you need to learn that at some point you need to let her go and move on with your life. And if you don't want to do it for yourself then do it for her. Make her proud, because how you're living now it's not something she would approve of she were still alive." She opened the door before turning around to look at me again. "The offer is still there let me know if you change your mind. Just know that, the position won't be open for long." She walked out and before she closed the door I finally spoke up.

"Alright. You win. I'll move to Seoul to work with you. Just give me till the end of the month to get my stuff ready."

"Stuff? What stuff? You can literally start packing your stuff right now and be done in an hour." she said with a blank face.

"I get it I have nothing, but I still want my time to say goodbye to the bones in the ground." I glare at her. "That was a bitch thing for you to say by the way."

"I'm sorry I was just trying to get my point across." I chuckle and the mood finally lightens. "So, see you in a month?"

"Yes you'll be seeing me in a month" She gives me one last hug before leaving.

End of flashback

I snap back to reality and see the sky getting darker and the street lamps starting to flicker on. I start getting up and dust off the dirt and grass from my jeans. I look down at her name one last time.

"I have to go now. Wish me luck. I love you. I miss you." I blow one last kiss before I walk away in to the darkness of the night.


So this chapter is really long, and I'm so sorry for that lol. This story starts off a little slow so I ask of your patience please. I swear it gets moving soon and Taejin will meet really soon I just really wanted to explain a kind of back story on how Jin ends up at the Kim mansion. I hope you enjoy reading this story, and if you have any comments or concerns please let me know. I'm very open minded about people's opinions as long as you're not being rude. Thank you :)

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