Chapter 35

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I lay in bed restless. After my conversation with Jin, I agreed to give him some space. It killed me to come to that decision, but everyone was right. After everything I put him through I owed him that much. So the first week I didn't talk to him or try looking for him. The second week I got a little impatient, but I kept telling myself to deal with it. That it was the punishment for my actions. Now we're almost past the third week and going onto a month and I'm just about ready to kill myself.

"Koooookie!" I groan throwing a pillow at him. "You have to help me out. I'm dying here," I beg.

"Nope" he says as he stays glued to his phone. "You fucked up, you figure it out."

"But he won't even look at me. The only time I get to see him is when he drops off my breakfast, lunch and dinner." I whine.

"How did you expect for him to react?" He says putting his phone down. "You were the only person who didn't believe him. It didn't matter how much we talked to you, you decided to listen to that witch of a mother."

"She had pictures."

"Stop it with the stupid pictures, Tae. We all saw the pictures and the first two gave away that Jin didn't look right, and even then that still didn't give you the right to trick him into having sex with you." He argued. "And let's not forget about the skank you fucked right after." My head hangs low in shame as I let him continue. "He has every right to treat you this way."

"I'm not getting him back, am I?" I ask hearing my voice crack. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe use this time to distract yourself. I mean we're still looking for Kim Eun Jae. Maybe you could focus on that."

"Yoongi's taking care of it. He keeps coming up empty handed." I get off the bed and kneel in front of him. "Please help me get him back. I'm never going to love someone the way I love him. I want him back." I cross my arms on his lap and lay my head on them as I start crying.

He brushes his fingers through my hair. "I don't know. I'm already in a tough spot with Jimin. He basically hates you right now and if he finds out I'm scheming with you, he's not going to be happy about it."

"Think about it this way. The longer I go without Jin the more I'll interrupt your plans of hanging out like I did today."

He rolls his eyes and gives me the stink eye. "That was just rude. I even put on loose pants to make taking my clothes off easier." He complained. "Fine I'll help you, but you owe me."

I smile in victory and shoot my head up. "You're the best. I love you, Kookie!" I exclaim. I reach up to ruffle his hair but my bracelets gets stuck on his pants. "Why haven't you thrown these pants out?" I say struggling to release my bracelets from the loose threads.

"Because they're easier to get out of." I roll my eyes and start yanking at the fabric. "Don't you dare rip these pants Kim Taehyung." He warns.

"They're falling apart anyways!" I argue giving my wrist a final pull causing his pants to lower down to his knees. I smile finally being able to free my hand.

"Tae lunch is-" I turn my head sideways to see Jimin freeze as he walks into my room. I'm confused at his shocked face at first until I realize I'm on my knees. In front of his boyfriend.... with his pants halfway down. I share a glance with Jungkook before we turn to Jimin.

"It's not what it looks like." We say in unison.

He raises an eyebrow as he continues to stare at us. "I should be mad, but I'm curious to know who the ultimate top between you two is," he says putting the tray down. "That and I obviously dont skip to conclusions without knowing all the facts like some people," he added glaring at me as he starts heading for the door.

"Wait, Jimin," I stop him and he turns to me with a bored expression on his face. "Where's Jin? He's the one who brings me my meals." I ask.

"He went out with Min Seo to get groceries." He says. "Anyways it's not like he's doing it by choice. Your mother orders him to face you daily as some sort of punishment."

"That's how he views having to see me as?" I ask lowly.

"I'll be back later for the tray." He says ignoring my statement.

"Jimin, you're his best friend. Do you have any idea what I could do to fix this?"

He rolls his eyes. "No, figure it out."

My heart drops and I find myself on my knees again. "Please," I choke out.

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Stop being so stupid. He still loves you," he says softly. "He wouldn't be treating you this way if he didn't care, but you hurt him. These few weeks you've given him, although he doesn't show it, he appreciates the space you're giving him. Do with this information what you want, because that's all I'm giving you. How you get him back has to come from your heart."

I nod in agreement and look up at him. "Thanks Chims."

"Don't thank me. I still don't like you, but I want to see my friend smile again and that only happens when he's with you. So don't fuck this up more than you already have." He says pointing a finger at me. My breath hitches and my heart drops because I fucked up the situation more when I slept with someone else. "You look constipated. Is there something you want to say?" He asks.

I anxiously chew on my lip. I know that telling him will ruin any last opportunity I have left to be with Jin, but maybe it's for the best I let it out right now. I open my mouth to reply, but Jungkook interrupts me before I get to say anything.

"The breakfast he ate earlier didn't settle well in his stomach, but he'll be fine." I widen my eyes as and look at my friend as he snakes his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "I'm sorry we couldn't spend time this morning, but I promise to make up for it tonight." He gives him a quick peck, but Jimin pulls him back in to start a full on make out session in my room. I groan in disgust and look away.

"Get a room."

"We will." Jungkook replies as he smacks his boyfriend's ass when he walks out.

"And now I've lost my appetite." I say getting up from the floor. "By the way, why did you lie for me?"

He gets his plate of food and plops down on my bed. "Pity," he takes a bite and starts chewing. "Jimin isn't the only one who wants to see his best friend happy. You messed up and obviously you regret it, so you're forgiven in my book. Anyways, Yoongi, Namjoon, you and I are the only ones who know about your slip up. I know for sure the guys and I won't be saying anything, so let's just pretend it didn't happen for your sake and move on with our lives." He says as he continues stuffing his mouth.

I thank him and retrieve my own plate and join him on my bed as start eating my meal.


Sorry no Taejin in this chapter it's just a filler. I'm kind of blocked right now and I don't know what to write. I mean I do I just don't know how to put it in words lol I hope everyone is keeping safe. I love you all💜

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