Chapter 41

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"Tell me where he is Min Seo," I demand. "Right now!"

She holds her ground as she looks at me coldly. Not even flinching when I yell "Don't talk to me like that," she bites back. "He didn't think there was anything left for him here, and resigned as soon as your father came back last night. His only wish was to leave peacefully, and after I told your father everything you did he had no choice but to grant it to him."

I walk past her and head towards Jimin's room. "What about Jimin. Where is he?" I ask when I see his room is empty too.

"He and I decided that it wasn't safe for Jin to go alone considering his state of mind, so he volunteered to go with him. He asked for a temporary leave, and will be coming back when he feels that Jin will be fine on his own."

I grab a hold of her and shake her. "Damn it Min Seo! This is ridiculous tell me where the hell they went right now!" I feel a sting on my face as her hand makes contact with my cheek.

"I told you not to talk to me like that," she says sternly. "None of this would even be happening if you hadn't messed with him to begin with. He wants to be far away from you. If you have any respect left for him at all, you will let him go."

"I'm sorry, but I can't let him leave." I rush out of the house and call Yoongi. "I need help. Jin and Jimin left. I need to find them."

"What do you want me to do about it?" he asks still groggy from being woken up.

"Ask Hoseok. They all basically left together last night. Maybe he knows."

"I spent the night at Jackson's, Hobi refused to open the door to me last night I doubt he'll tell me anything..." He trails off for a bit.


"His car isn't here hold on," he replies. I hear a door open. "Hobi!" He calls out.

"Don't tell me he ran away too." I say backing out of the driveway.

"No, his stuff is still here. He just went out. He's probably the one driving them. I'm not telling you where he is. I'm already in enough trouble as it is," he states. "But I will remind you that the location of our vehicles are still synced up to our phones for emergencies."  He hangs up the phone and I pull up my GPS app to trace Hobi's car.

I'm lead to Yongsan station where I park and quickly head inside. I run around praying that I see one of their familiar faces, and eventually find Hoseok.

"Tae, leave. He doesn't need you creating a scene right now."

"I won't create a scene if he just comes home with me, now tell me where he is!" I growl. I look behind him to see Jin and Jimin approaching us until they see me and start walking the other way.

"Stop!" I yell, but Hoseok holds me back.

"You've hurt him enough, Tae. Let him go," he mutters trying to hold me down.

"Is there a problem sir?" Security asks approaching us. 

"Yes! I need you to stop those two men. One of them stole something from me!" I yell pointing towards Jin, still trying to get out of Hoseok's hold.

"Don't listen to him sir. He has them confused with someone else," he answers to the security. 

Another officer approaches Jin. "Sir, do you know that man?" he asks motioning towards me. 

Jin and I make eye contact. I see the puffiness surrounding his red eyes. The bags underneath them as evidence that he had a sleepless night as well. And for a second I see a sparkle in them. The same sparkle he had when I showed him the first painting I made of him. The same sparkle he had every time we kissed. That same sparkle he had in his eyes when we made love for the first time. The sparkle that told me he loves me as much as I love him.

He closed his eyes and shook his head, but when he opened them the sparkle was gone. His face turned into the same cold expression he had last night. "I've never see that man in my life," he replies. "I'm just trying to get home, but he keeps following me and my friend." The security guard apologizes for the inconvenience and let's them go.

"No, don't let him go please," I beg pushing Hoseok off and running after him. I don't get far and security tackles me to the ground. "Jin!" I call out desperately. Tears already rolling down my cheeks.  "Please don't leave me here! I love you!" He keeps walking as if he doesn't hear me. He doesn't even spare me one last look.

"Sir, you're disturbing our passengers. We're gonna have to ask you to leave." They say picking me up to my feet.

"I got him." Hoseok says approaching us. He shows the guards his badge and they let go of me. "I'm sorry about causing this disruption. We'll be leaving now." He bows at them respectfully and they part.

"Where is he going?" I ask refusing to move.

"I don't know," he replied.

"You're lying," I grunt.

"I'm not. That's why you saw me alone, because they didn't want me to know where they're going. They didn't want to put me in a position where I would have to lie to you." He puts his arm around me. "I'm sorry that this is happening to you, but you did this. Accept that at least, and once you do move on."

"I don't want to move on. I want Jin." I say through hiccups.

"Well you're going to have to deal with the fact that he might not come back this time." I finally let him lead me towards the exit. I look back in the direction that Jin left hoping that by an act of miracle he might've come back, but he didn't.


"Please keep holding on to me," I beg Jimin. I can hear Tae's screams as we walk towards our designated terminal. "If you let go of me, I might just turn around and run back to him and not let go."

"I got you Jinnie," he replies holding my hand. We reach the train and take our seats. "You don't have to hold it in anymore. I made sure we sat in the back so no one bothers us. It's okay," he puts an arm around me and brings my head to rest on his shoulder. I let a small sob escape my lips. Followed by another and another, until I turn into a complete mess on him. "You're going to be fine," he tries assuring me. "You'll get through this."

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