Chapter 29

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Tae's POV

The knocking on the door stops and I think they've finally left until I hear jiggling on the other side. The door opens and my friends and brother walk in.

"Next time I have to be awaken to break in to your room I'm going to take the door off the hinges and beat you with it." A grumpy Yoongi says before jumping on my bed next to me.

"Jungkook filled us in about what happened this morning. How's Jin?" Hoseok asks.

"Min Seo called me a couple minutes ago. Supposedly he was drugged." I mutter.


"I mean I caught them. They were naked."

"He could've been raped."

"Min Seo said there were no signs of it." I snap back. "So tell me why else would some other man be naked in his bed with him?"

"Taehyung before you jump to conclusions, how about your hear Jin out first." Namjoon interjects. "We don't have the full story, maybe there's more to it."

"I was going to go to the hospital, but Min Seo said no. She said Jin is too tired and doesn't want anyone seeing him in this state."

"She has a point. He needs rest not be bombarded with accusations from his boyfriend who should be consoling him." He says sternly.

"Or maybe he's not even there and they're just lying to me."

"Come on Tae, you're smarter than that."

I look at him in disbelief "Who's side are you on?" I say raising my voice slightly.

"On yours, of course, which is why I think it's important you know the full story before you do something stupid," he raises his voice as well.

I let out a scoff. "Is that why or do you think if you show enough sympathy he'll sleep with you too?" I look up to meet his eyes and they look deadly. My friends are now looking at us in complete silence.

"Guys, I think we should go. Taehyung needs time to himself to get his head out of his ass because I know this isn't him." They get up and start exiting and my brother looks back one last time. "You make irrational decisions when you're mad, so please listen to him first before you do something you're going to regret," then closes the door.

I take the pictures from my hands and unscramble them. My eyes get watery as I look at them again. I stare at them for what seems like forever hoping to see any indication that they're photoshopped but they're real. That really is Jin with his legs wrapped around Ken. I put the pictures on my nightstand and lay on my back with tears in my eyes once again until I finally fall asleep.


It's been two days since Jin came home from the hospital. My father heard what happened and had given him a couple days to rest. He started working again today, but I have yet to leave my room where I've been in since my brother and friends left. Everyone seems to have bought his story about being drugged and have been constantly nagging that I talk with him, but how can I when I've done nothing but look at the evidence everyday?

I groan when I hear the knock on my door. "Just leave dinner in front of the door Min Seo, I'll get it after I shower." She's been constantly checking on me since I decided to lock myself in my room, making sure I eat by leaving food outside my door then picking up the empty tray I leave outside once I'm done.

"It's not Min Seo." My heart races once I hear his voice. "We need to talk." I walk to the door slowly to let him in. We stand there looking at each other for a bit. He still has the face that radiates innocence. As if he didn't rip my heart out of my chest and stomp on it. We finally break away from our staring contest and he let's himself in.

We sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes, both of us staring at the floor until I finally get the courage to speak. "What happened?"

"I really don't know," he starts. "I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be a saint as if I didn't do anything wrong, because I knew I shouldn't have had that drink with him" I feel his hands cup my face to look at him. "You were right. I should've listened to your warnings about Ken. I'm sorry." I look for any traces of him lying but he seemed sincere. He's such a good actor.

"What do you remember from that night?" I question further.

"After our argument I went to the kitchen to finish Min Seo's job. Ken came in to apologize for what he said and for me to have a drink to calm down. I told him I just wanted to be alone, but he kept insisting so I gave in and told him I would have only one drink. I shouldn't have done it and just walked away, but I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry."

"What happened afterwards?"

He purses his lips looking uneasy. "I don't know. That's all I remember." I look away from him and turn my gaze back down.

"Did you have sex with him?"

He kneels in front of me and looks for my eyes. His eyes have that glassy look with tears threatening to fall. "No. When I woke up I feared that he might've done something to me so I asked the doctors to administer a sexual assault exam and they confirmed that nothing happened." Liar. He puts his hand on my cheek and wipes a tear I hadn't even realized had escaped. "I love you, and I will do whatever I can to find out what exactly happened. I promise." He said bringing our foreheads together.

I continue sitting there in silence still unsure of what to do. He let's out a sigh eventually and starts getting up. "I understand if you need time to think. I know what you saw doesn't make it easier for you to believe me, but I just want you to know that love you." He turns around to leave and before I can stop myself I reach for his hand and pull him back down to me.

"I just want to forget that anything even happened. Please help me forget." I say before crashing my lips on his. He stays still for a bit but gives in eventually. I press him up against me and place him on my bed as my hands start riding up underneath his shirt. A small moan escapes his lips once I pinch his nipple and he breaks away, but I continue trailing my lips down his neck.

"Tae this isn't what I meant by us needing to ahh-" he moans once more when I start sucking on his skin.

"I want to erase waking up to seeing you with Ken. Can you give me this, please?" I say breaking away to look at him.

He stays looking at me for a bit but eventually starts nodding his head slowly and answers with a small 'okay'. I continue to press my lips against his skin. I hate myself for enjoying this. I hate myself for loving how good he feels underneath me.

I hate you. I want to say. I hate you for betraying me like that. I hate you for making me feel this way, but I hate you most for not giving me the ability to truly hate you. I hate how much I still love you.

.... thoughts?

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