Chapter 6

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I ended up telling them everything. From walking in to his room not knowing he was in the shower, to being trapped by him, to the towel incident, and then him pushing me out of his room. As I finish I look over at Jimin to see him with wide eyes as he fanned himself.

"Wow," he says slowly shaking his head. "That was so... hot."

"Jimin!" I exclaim. "It wasn't hot. I was completely embarrassing and disrespectful and then pushing me out of his room like that was really rude."

"Don't worry too much about Tae. That's just how he is at first." Aunt Min Seo cuts in. "You will see that he's a really good person the more you get to know him."

"I don't know. He seems really complicated," I start with a slight pout as I use my chopstick to play with my food. "First I see some girl walking out this afternoon from what I'm guessing a night out with him, and then he practically begs me to look at him naked, and just turns into a complete ass when I refuse." I look down and then mumble "He seems like the kind of person who will screw me over in the end."

"Oh don't worry sweetheart. No matter how messed up it get's it will never be as bad as how screwed up he is thanks to that witch he calls mom," he says taking another bite of his food.

"Jimin!" Min Seo chimes in while looking around "Don't be so insensitive about that subject. And don't say such things about our dear lady boss... she probably has super hearing like the witch she is and hear us from Tokyo." They start chuckling at their nickname for Mrs. Kim.

"What did she do?" I ask.

Jimin stops laughing and turns to me. His face turns serious. "His mom did quite the number on him when he was a teenager."

"What happened?" My eyes grew wide with curiosity as I gesture at Jimin to continue.

"I had just started working here. Min Seo and I were cleaning Namjoon's room," he started as he looked off in to the distance as if trying to recall the memory.

~Flashback/ Jimin's POV~

"If you pick something up and it breaks, don't worry about it. It was probably already broken to begin with. This poor boy has a habit of breaking everything he touches." Min Seo explains as we remove the bed sheets. "How old did you say you were sweetheart?"

"I'll be seventeen in a couple months," I reply.

"What's someone so young and full of life doing here? You should be out going to school and hanging out with your friends and family." I look down as she says the last statement.

"I don't have family or friends. I also don't have a home and saw on the flyer that they would provide me with everything here." 

"Well then this can be your home." She smiled at me as if reassuring me that she has my back. "I think you'll fit in just fine here. Everyone is really nice despite their social status." I can finally feel my tense shoulders relax. "If anything the only one you should watch out for in this house and never get in their way is Madame Ki-"

"WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL IS THIS?!" A scream interrupts Min Seo.

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