Chapter 18

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There's only three days left before our family charity auction and I've never been more stressed out. Every year I'm expected to present an art piece to auction off. Usually I present a piece related to the theme of the auction, but this year the money is going to local orphanages to pay for clothes and school supplies, but how the hell can I use kids as my inspiration? I can't photograph children or draw them just to auction it off to some old creep. I tried to talk to Jin and see if he had any ideas, but as soon as it seems like I finally have alone time with him, mother would whisk him away to do some ridiculous task for her. She keeps saying there's a lot to do for the auction, but I know the truth is that she doesn't want us near each other. 

To make matters even more stressful, I have yet to speak to Yoongi about looking into Eun Jae. I have to find her and her son before my mother does, before she does more damage than she already has. I feel a buzz from my pocket and eagerly look at the message. Yoongi finally replied.


Hey Tae, sorry for not replying but the station has been really busy. We're still going to your family's annual charity auction. I'll get there early so we can talk.

I send a quick text back thanking him and head to the kitchen fingers crossed that today I'll get lucky enough to interact with Jin for more than five minutes.

I walk in to the kitchen and see him sitting down on the table looking bored as he has both hands cupped around his face. "Looks like you're having the time of your life there. Am I interrupting your fun?" I tease

He gives me a glare before responding, "I have nothing to do"

"Want to take a walk? It's a beautiful day outside. It deserves to be looked at by someone just as beautiful." He brings his hands to try to cover more of his cheeks trying to hide his blush. He gives me a nod as he gets up and we head out. 

"You dyed your hair" I state. He reaches for a strand of hair and chuckles.

"Jimin and I both did actually. He wanted to try a new look for the auction, and I thought why not?" He runs his hand through  his new colored locks. "Does it look bad? I told Jimin that it feels like it's too bright."

"No, I like it. Pink is a good color on you" He smiles at my compliment. "So, where is everyone?"

"Your mom, her majesty," he starts as he gives a mocking bow "didn't think that any of the dishes Aunty and I had cooked were up to her guest's standards, and Jimin's pastries in her words 'tasted like ass' of course she would know what that tastes like-" his eyes widen and he covers his mouth automatically realizing what he just said. I raise an eyebrow in amusement and start laughing. "I'm sorry, she's your mother. I need to watch my mouth. It won't happen again."

I bring my hand up motioning for him to stop as my laugh dies down. "Don't apologize, I hate the old hag too." Which causes him to pout.

"Don't say that. She gave life to you after all. She may have a bad temper and she's also hard to work for but deep down she should have some sort of love for you and Namjoon. I mean she has to since she carried both of you. She shared a piece of herself with the two of you, she must've developed some sort of bond while you grew in her stomach."

I come to a stop in front of him. "Not to burst your optimistic bubble, Jin, but if my mom had my brother and I it was solely for convenience. Coincidentally, she found out she was pregnant with Namjoon when Father was being pressured to marry her, and I just so happened to be on the way when my dad had filed for divorce. Eventually, he just gave up on the idea of separating from her and accepted his miserable fate to be tied to her forever." He looks down at his hands, his face falling even more to a pout. "Don't get too sad about it. Father never blamed us for staying with her, even though we were the reason why the divorce never went through. He always made sure to let us know that we are the only good thing to come out of his marriage, and if he had to deal with her bullshit all over again just to have us he would do it without hesitating." I see his beautiful smile coming back across his face. "As for the mom department, Min Seo took care of that" I smile as I recall the days Joonie and I spent by her side when we were younger. "It's as if she was the universe's compensation to us for giving us a mom who didn't care. I remember we were so used to having her take care of us that we even started calling her mom. The witch got so mad that she threatened to fire her if she ever heard us call her that again. Joon and I cried that whole day and never called her that again."

"It must've hurt her pride don't you think?"

I shook my head "No, mother didn't do it because she was hurt that her kids preferred someone else as their parent. She just wanted to hurt Min Seo. When we would call Min Seo mom her whole face would light up which is why Namjoon and I continued to refer to her as so. The first time we went back to calling her by her name" I look down in guilt, "she tried masking it, but we saw the hurt in her eyes. A part of us felt like we broke her heart that day, but we just didn't want to lose her."

"What does Mrs. Kim have against my aunt?" He asks as we come to a stop.

I shrug, "I really don't know. They've never gotten along."

"Has she ever tried firing Aunt Min Seo?"

"Are you kidding me? Many times, so many times we've all lost count. As a matter of fact she tried firing her right before you got here, but Father always denied her request. He knows how much she means to Joonie and I, and he says she's the only real friend he has."

"Wow," he says, his smile growing bigger, "Honestly I resented her for hardly ever being around me during my childhood, but seeing what she did for you and your brother growing up, I'm so happy you had her."

"She is a magnificent woman. It's a shame she never had children of her own. She would've been a phenomenal mother. Maybe that's why she takes care of us the way she does. To make up for not having any kids." I look over to see him again and freeze. Maybe its the way he seems lost in his own thoughts or perhaps its the way he's radiating under the natural ray of the sun, but I finally found my inspiration. "Don't move" I command and his eyes widen.

"Is there a bug on me?" He asks fearfully.

"No, but I'll be right back. Stay here." I order before running back to the house and getting my supplies. I quickly grab my canvas along with my bag of pencils and paints and turn back to where he's at and get to work as fast as possible before I start losing daylight. I get close to him and angle his face to the way it was earlier.

"What's this all about, Tae?" He asks with a frown.

"Don't move. I'll try to be quick." He rolls his eyes. "Every year the auction we hold has a different theme depending on the organization we'll be supporting, and each year I am to present a piece related to that theme to auction off."

"This year the donations are going to orphanages, I don't understand how I fit in to that." He breaks out of his pose and glares at me. "It better not be because I'm technically considered an orphan now, is it?"

"No it's not, I'd never use your loss as some sort of advantage for me. Just stop talking and pose for me, you'll understand it when I present the painting on Friday." He scuffs as he goes back to the pose I had him in. I smile as I concentrate on his features making sure I don't miss a single detail. From the plumpness of his lips to imitating his thick eyebrows to how the wind picked the ends of his hair. This is going to be my greatest work of art yet.


An: Plot twist he's actually drawing RJ lmao. I'm kidding. I hope the story isn't getting too boring. I know there hasn't been much twists like a couple chapters ago, but I want to build up Taejin's relationship a little more and have them happy a few more chapters before it all goes down the drain. And I'm trying to give everyone a break before this story spills more tea🍵.. or perhaps the whole kettle😯. Although I feel like at the same time I'm making the story line complicated. If anyone gets lost please let me know, or if there's something you don't like. I really hope you all are enjoying the story I'm between classes rn so I'm working on the next chapter, it should be out by the end of the week. Thank you.

On a more serious note, I hope everyone is keeping safe in Australia and Philippines you all are in my thoughts💜

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