Chapter 43

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I set my paperwork aside and let the front reception lady let my friends and brother in to my office. It's now been five months since Jin left. I still miss him. I still love him. And not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I even keep his picture on my desk. Some may see it as pathetic, but I'm okay with that. I look at his picture every time I feel conflicted about something.

After my talk with Min Seo I buried myself in helping dad and Namjoon with the company.  I also threw myself into looking for Eun Jae and her son as a distraction from thinking too much about Seokjin which would only remind me of his human size hole in my heart. I'm still trying to come to terms with the possibility of moving on, but I'm not there yet. It was a lot easier said than done.

"So looking for Kim Eun Jae was too broad of a search. Like I suspected the name is way too common," Yoongi says walking in and taking a seat in front of my desk with Namjoon and Jungkook taking a seat on either side of him.

"I thought you used to work with the best?" I taunt.

"Shut it. That's where I was getting at. So we along, with your big brain of a brother, narrowed down the search by looking for women who might've given birth anywhere from 1990 to 1995. It led us to over 76 women," I look at him annoyed cuz this just got a whole lot harder. "Before you complain Joonie and I narrowed it down even further and crossed out women who are still alive and came to three possible candidates."

He hands me three different files. I flip through the first one and he continues talking. "Kim Eun Jae number one gave birth to a boy in 1990. She died in a car wreck a year later."

"She can't be the one we're looking for then. The one we're looking for died right after my grandmother."

I continue to the next file. "Eun Jae number two gave birth in 1994 she passed away of breast cancer two years ago."

"It says here she was born in 1962. That puts her in her thirties when she gave birth. The right Eun Jae was in her early twenties," I say looking through her paperwork. I skim through it before I move my attention to the third folder.

I open it and frown when I see a single sheet of paper inside. I look back up to Yoongi unimpressed and he's awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, we didn't find much on Eun Jae number three. All I was able to gather was that she gave birth to a healthy baby boy sometime in late 1994. The trail goes dead right after. But Namjoon was able to find a copy of her death certificate which is printed on the back of the page." I flip over the paper to look at the certificate but most of it is crossed out.

"Why is it like that?"

"The private investigator I hired gave it to me like that." Namjoon answers. "He said that it was all he was able to find on her."

"She died two weeks after grandmother. It says she died in an accident but the first part is crossed off. Did the guy tell you what kind of accident?"

"No he says he didn't know anything about her, and the only way he was even able to get a copy of it was because he had connections to someone who worked in public records."

I look at the single paper over again. "This is probably her. Her death fits the timeline. She was in her early twenties when she had her baby. This has to be her."

"It's going to be hard tracking her down then. This woman was nonexistent for twenty four years until she died." Yoongi replies.

"It seems you all haven't been paying attention. We got a general location of where she's from." They all looked at me as if I grew a third head. "Namjoon, got a death certificate, wherever he got it from that's where she died. That means that's where she lived."

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