Chapter 46

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Jin asks from the passenger seat.

"I'm just embarrassed I got all muddy," I chuckle nervously. We stay quiet as I continue driving. I'm still trying to connect the dots. Jin being Eun Jae's son makes sense but at the same time, it doesn't. Kim Eun Jae left her son behind for Min Seo to find a home for him. Why would she leave him behind only to give him back to her? Not only that but the son she left behind would be twenty-seven now and Jin just turned twenty-five a few months ago.

Unless Jin isn't the only kid she had. "Jin," I see him giving me attention through my peripheral vision. "Do you happen to have other siblings?"

He quirks his head to the side in confusion. "Why this question all of a sudden?"

"I just realized, you don't talk a lot about your family. Just your mom and aunt." I look at him and he looks uneasy. "I'm just curious."

"My parents were thinking about having more kids when I was getting older, but then my father got sick and passed away," he said looking down solemnly. "I did have a brother, though."

I stop on the red light still trying to connect everything, but it all still remains very confusing. "He was older than me, but he passed away before I was born. He was only two," Jin says breaking our silence. "He would have turned twenty-seven later this year."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Mother told me he died in a car accident. She was so devastated, so we don't talk about him."

"What was his name?"

"She never told me. She didn't want to risk me bringing him up or accidentally calling me by his name. Mother basically erased any trace that he existed." He continues looking out the window as I continue driving. "It would've been nice, though," he says suddenly. "Knowing who my brother was. The only thing we had from him was a baby picture, but I decided to bury it with her. He was her baby that she was never able to see grow up. I never talked about him because it broke her heart just telling me what happened."

We continued the rest of the drive in absolute silence. We met up with Jimin and Hobi at the restaurant near the airport before heading back home.

Getting Jin on the plane was, challenging. The pilot gave him a tour of the private plane I reserved for us to go on. He explained the functions of everything and let him watch him inspect to make sure there was no sign of any danger. Even then he shook as he climbed the steps and squealed when we finally took off.

It's a good thing this flight is only two hours. My poor Jinnie wouldn't be able to survive much longer on this thing. We feel turbulence as we descend which causes Jin to panic again, but I reach my hand and let him squeeze it to remind him that he's not alone. I'm here with him. I'll always be here.

I pull up to my house and am automatically greeted by Jungkook and Yoongis' patrol cars. Both of them are sitting on the front steps to my house with serious faces. I don't even completely stop the car when Jimin jumps out of the backseat and rushes to Jungkook throwing his arms and legs around him. "Cute," I hear Jin mutter from the passenger seat.

I turn to him after I park the car. "Will I ever get a welcome like that?" I tease.

He rolls his eyes and takes off his seat belt. "Maybe someday," he replies getting down. Hoseok and I follow after him to greet our friends.

Yoongi has a blank expression on his face when he sees his boyfriend walking towards him. "I thought you left me," he crosses his arms.

Hoseok reaches for him and rubs the side of his arms soothingly. "I was doing Min Seo a favor and she asked for me not to tell anyone that I was leaving or where I was going."

"You could've left a note," Yoongi whines then pouts.

Hobi chuckles and mimics Yoongi's pout. "I'll make it up to you tonight over a glass of wine and our handcuffs."

My face falls in disgust. "We did not need to hear that." 

We go inside our house and I hand Jin and Jimin some of their bags to put away since the rest of their things won't be here until later. "Tae, there's something you need to know," Yoongi says to me as soon as Jin and Jimin leave. "After you hung up and the line went dead earlier when I told you  about Eun Jae's accident, I noticed something weird." I look at him confused urging him to continue.

"My phone started glitching when the line hung up. I took my phone to Jackson and according to him my phone was hacked. Which means someone heard our conversation. I went back and reviewed all the information I got and talked to everyone we talked to and it turns out we weren't the only ones trying to look for Eun Jae and her son. There's a chance Seoyun has been looking for Eun Jae's son as well."

My blood runs cold. That can explain the man who had been following Jin and Jimin recently. Seoyun knows Jin is Eun Jae's son which means his in great danger.

"Well now that we know where Kim Eun Jae is buried we can try to-" Jungkook starts but is automatically interrupted.

"Why are you interested in where my mother is buried?" Jin asks walking in with Jimin.

Yoongi and Jungkook both snap their heads to his direction. "Mother?" Yoongi asks in shock.

"You said Kim Eun Jae. That's my mother's name," Jin replies still confused.

"This makes no sense," Jungkook says taking a seat. "He doesn't fit in the timeline."

"Kim Eun Jae's first born died in an accident," I say trying to clear up the confusion.

"That's impossible. We would've found his death certificate with Eun Jae's," Jungkook replies.

"Then what the hell is going on!" Yoongi exclaims clearly frustrated now.

"I can explain." We turn to the direction of the voice and see Min Seo with an arm wrapped around Namjoon's. Her eyes are puffy clearly a sign that she's been crying.

"You all might want to sit down," Namjoon adds. "Its a long story."

"But I promise I won't hold back," Min Seo replies. "You all deserve the truth."


You'll finally get all the answers next chapter🤭🍵

I really hope this story isn't getting too boring. I feel like its been going on forever lol💜

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