Chapter 38

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With a groan I open my eyes and look around the all too familiar white room surrounding me. "You're up," Dr. Lee stated, "that's good. Your boss performed CPR when he got you out of the pool so you'll be fine. Besides that you have a minor concussion, but nothing too serious and you can be released whenever you're ready."

"Thank you Dr. Lee."

"Please, call me Sandeul. At this point I've seen you so much that calling me Dr. Lee is too formal," he extends his hand out to me.

"Thank you Sandeul, call me Jin," I smile as I shake his hand.

"So is there a reason why you keep coming back here?" He questions. "Not that I mind, but is there a certain danger you run working for them?"

I shake my head. "No there isn't," I explain, "the man who keeps bringing me here is my ex. We broke up a little over a month ago. He's been trying to make it up to me the past couple of days."

"He must really be doing the most for you to keep ending up here," he chuckles.

"Well what he did was pretty bad."

"What'd he do? If you don't mind me asking. You don't have to answer."

I chuckle as I shake my head to tell him it's okay. I then tell him the story of what happened from the Ken getting hired to what led to us breaking up when we found out the whole truth of what happened.

"Wow, Mrs. Kim is a bitch." I laugh at his response. He has a point. "Look I'm not going to justify his actions, because he shouldn't have done what he did, but I get where he's coming from. If I caught the man I love in bed with someone else, I probably would've lost it too. I don't think I'd take it as far as using sex as revenge, but by what I've witnessed these past few days, he really cares about you. He keeps coming in here holding on to you like he's your savior. I would even say its romantic, if he weren't the reason you're here to begin with." I laugh at the end of his statement.

He has a point. I asked for space and he gave it to me. Even though I couldn't bring myself to talk to him during this time, that doesn't mean I didn't miss him. I just felt like if I forgive and forget easily then I would be seen as weak. "So you think I should give him another chance?" I ask.

He pauses to think for a minute before answering me. "I think you should ask yourself if you love him, and if you do then your next question should be if your love for him is enough to move past this obstacle and keep going forward."

"Thank you. This past month my aunt and friends have been reaching out to me and trying to get me to talk, but talking with you really makes me feel at peace."

"Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger. Because I don't know you or Mr. Taehyung personally,  my opinion is unbiased." He takes out a notepad and writes something on it then hands me the paper. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm up for extremely long hours because of my shifts." I take the paper and thank him again.


I grasp the peonies in my hands behind my back, take a deep breath and enter the room Jin is in. He turns to me and my heart skips a beat. "How are you feeling?" I ask cautiously walking towards him.

"I'm feeling fine, thank you." We look away awkwardly, until I take the small bouquet of peonies from behind my back.

"These are for you. They're the only flowers that survived the attack."

"I'm sorry about that. You probably worked everyone's ass off and I destroyed it before I was able to enjoy all of it." He says taking the flowers from my hands.

"I'm totally fine with blaming Hoseok, so there's no need to apologize." I reply trying to lighten the mood.

"These were my mother's favorite. I always left fresh one every other week when I used to live back home." Shit I hope I didn't bring back painful memories.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Don't be. I love them." He looks back up at me and motions for me to sit down. "I've been thinking a lot about us," he starts, "I know you know by now how you've hurt me," he pauses, "but I want to give you the opportunity to explain yourself and how you feel about everything."

I look down trying to gather my thoughts. I have so much to say, but how do I say it? How can I express how much I regret all of the decisions I made pertaining to that night? How do I tell him that I slept with someone right after I admitted to having sex with him just to leave him afterwards? We didn't even properly break up, so does that mean I cheated? Fuck, I've messed up so bad.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks with a soothing voice and reaches for my hands. I hold on to him for dear life fearing that I won't get the chance to hold him like this when he finds out about Jen.

"Yeah, I was just trying to get my thoughts in order." I take a deep breath hoping it relieves some of my anxiety. "There is no excuse for what I did to you. I talked down to you as if you were an object I owned, because I was jealous. That same jealousy along with my possessiveness over you clouded my judgment and made it easy for my mom to manipulate my thoughts on you. It doesn't excuse my behavior and I'm working on changing that part of myself for you," I catch my breath,"because I love you. I'm sorry for what I did. I know you said you forgave me, but I still need to tell you, to show you how sorry I am for doubting you." My grip on his hand tightens even more, "I have no right to ask you for another chance, but please let me show you I can worthy of your love," I beg.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Tae. I don't know if there's anything left to save between us," my shoulders drop along with my heart. I nod in defeat and look down trying to hide the tears threatening to fall. I'm about to sob and make a scene begging him to take me back when I feel his hand cup my face and gently guide me to look at him. "But I'm willing to give us another chance," he says with his cute smile that puffs up his cheeks, and I swear I could die of happiness right now.

I lay myself next to him and take him in my arms not wanting to waste another second as I start peppering his face with kisses. "I missed you so much baby."

"I missed you to," he leans in and gives me a tender kiss on the cheek. "I've actually been thinking of this talk for a while, but for some reason I keep ending up at the hospital," he teases. "You're not completely off the hook by the way, but I wanted to hear everything from you to assure myself that I'm making the right choice in giving us another shot," he says nuzzling his nose against my neck like a little kid. "So if there's anything else you want to tell me, you have a chance right now. Because I just want to move forward from this."

My breath hitches. This is it. This is my chance to tell him about Jen. I rub his arm gently trying to find the right way to tell him. "No, I just want to move forward from this as well," I lean and kiss his forehead as I continue rubbing his arm. I know I'm a coward for backing out, but I want to move past this whole mess as well. Anyways Jungkook and Yoongi are right, us and Namjoon are the only ones that know about my fuck up. And none of us would ever tell Jin the truth, right?


Let's enjoy their happiness🙄

Anyways Bangbang con really got my sleeping schedule messed up, and I had homework and exams due this weekend so I'd work on that throughout the day then act like a crackhead jamming to them at night. Basically I've been up since friday lol. It was so worth it though. I'm sleep deprived but happy. I love you all thank you💜

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