Chapter 16

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After Jin is out of my sight, I start making my way towards the kitchen to talk to Min Seo. I had so many questions about Eun Jae after my talk with dad and I feel like she's the only one who can give me answers.

"He's not here" I hear her say as I open the kitchen door "the lights went off in the the backyard, he's helping maintenance fix it."

"I know" I reply "I'm actually here to see you. I have a couple things on my mind and I'm wondering if you can help me out with it."

I see her raise an eyebrow as she stops tending the chicken stew. "If you're here to tell me you've changed your mind about Seokjin, you can kiss your Gucci everything goodbye, Tae." She gives me a small glare.

I shake my head and hands frantically as I try reassuring her that it's not the reason why I'm here, "No, I still want to be with him... and I'll now be locking my Gucci in a vault." I say the last part returnin the glare at her as she chuckles.

"What is it you need my sweet Tae?" She asks encouraging me to go on.

"When did you start working for us?"

"I see that's become a point of everyone's interest recently," She said leaning against the counter. "I was 15 when I first started working here."

"So you knew who Eun Jae was?"

She let's out a small smile and continues. "I haven't heard that name in years." She says looking down. "But yes, I knew who she was. We became good friends very easily."

"Do you think you can maybe tell me more about her?"

She let's out a sigh as she looks at me in the eyes. "Tae, we shouldn't be talking about her. She's someone that is very dear to your father and her leaving broke his heart."

"Please, I'm just curious. I know she's in Grandpa's will, I'm just trying to look for her too." She eyes me suspiciously before motioning me to sit down in the mini dinning room table in the kitchen.

"We first met waiting to be interviewed to work here. She was 16 at the time. We were hired along with a new set of employees, due to your grandfather's declining health. They needed more help around the house and that's where we came in. I helped in the kitchen and Eun Jae was like your grandfather's personal assistant/nurse" a small smile spreads across her face as she continues. "When she met your father, I swear it was like love at first sight. She looked at him like he was her world. And the way he looked at her... it's the way all women want to be looked at." I find myself smiling as well at the thought of my father being happy and soft, something that I've never seen in all my years of living. Min Seo's face, though, soon fell. "Unfortunately life had other plans, obviously."

"What happened?"

She let's out a heavy sigh before answering. "Life got in the way. They were so perfect together, but the circumstances they were in kept them apart."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"The day she left Seoul. It'd been almost two years since she left your father. She had found another man., and she came to me asking me for the biggest favor anyone can ever ask. I just couldn't refuse after seeing her so distraught."

"What was the favor?"

"That night she was running from someone. She was in such a state of panic that she even escaped the hospital she was staying at," she explained with tears in her eyes.

"Why was she in the hospital?"

"She had a baby that day," she finally let out with tears escaping her eyes. "She came to me and did the hardest thing a mother will ever have to do. Due to the dangerous circumstances, she had to give up her son. She only trusted me and asked of me to find him a safe home. A home where he'd be loved."

My mouth hung open as I gather my thoughts. "Where did you send her son off too?"

"I sent him to the only person I can truly trust." She said confidently.

"Which is..?" I questioned signaling her to continue, but she shook her head down and broke her eye contact with me as she wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, but that is truly something that I can't tell you."

"Why?" I ask reaching for her hand.

"I just can't." she says letting go.

"Min Seo, why didn't you tell anyone? Dad loved this woman, he could've helped her."

"That is exactly why I couldn't tell him. He was basically forced into a loveless marriage and was heartbroken when he found at that she moved on. Just imagine how much more pain he would've been in if she showed up and asked for his help to help her hide her child that she had with another man. He was not in his right mind to help anyone at that time." I nod in understanding as she gets up.

"Well that's enough questions. I have to finish up the food." She says as she walks back towards the stew, while I stay seated staring at the table top for another minute.

"Min Seo?" I call out.

"I said no more questions," she whined.

"Just one more. Do you know how her son is doing now?"

She thinks for a second before answering. "He's doing just fine. Trust me."

"How do you know?"

"Like I said I placed him with the only person I could truly trust in this world, and even though I'm always here, I found ways to look after him throughout the years." she says giving me a warm smile.


AN: I'm back lol. It's been a while, but everything had just been so hectic. I had finals and then right after that I got bitchslapped with extremely long shifts at work that ended in me going home till like 4am only to wake up and go back to work and do it all over again. In case anyone is interested (which I doubt tbh lmao) I work at a retail store which means we get hella busy during the holidays so it's always a mess that we pick up when we close. I haven't had a day off since two weeks before school ended with was almost a month ago, but we closed today due to it being Christmas and I took the opportunity to update. I hope you all are still with me because now that the season is technically over I get to update more frequently so... yay Merry Christmas I hope you all enjoyed the chapter see you soon 💜💜

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