Chapter 57

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I look at the location of the crash and race there, dismissing the constant yelling from Hoseok trying to hold me back. I speed all the way to the sight and practically jump out of my car not bothering to even park it right or turn the engine off. I start running towards the wrecked car and it looks even worse in person. Ignoring the ache in my lungs I try to push past officers, but I'm held back when someone wraps their arms around me from behind.

"I know you're worried but calm down. We can't let you in to the crime scene. Yoongi, Kook, and Namjoon are already waiting for you at your house. They got access to the cameras around the area. They're going through the footage as we speak. You should go help them out. Let me take care of the scene here," Hoseok says trying to calm me down.

I nod in defeat waiting for him to let go of me. "Detective Jung! We found the body!"

Without a second thought I push Hoseok away from me causing him to fall and run towards the person shouting.

"TAEHYUNG! STOP!" Hoseok calls after me but it's too late. I freeze in place when I see the body being pulled out of the water. Tears are already spilling out of my eyes and my stomach starts doing many flips until I eventually crouch down and release all the contents I consumed earlier in the morning. I feel Hoseok rubbing my back as I continue vomiting. Once I'm done I stay crouched down and continue looking at the lifeless body still being dragged out. "Tae, you need to go," Hoseok says lifting me up to my feet.

It's too much. I just saw him this morning. We just got back together. I need more time with him. This isn't how it was supposed to end. I let out a toe-curling screech followed by sobs, not wanting to believe that's the love of my life being pulled out of the water. The body is finally placed on the floor and Hobi brings me close to him as the rescue team moves out of the way to get a clear view, and the air is knocked out of me once again.

"It's not him," Hobi said with relief heavy in his voice. "It's not Jin, Tae." I take a look at the face of the man laying dead on the dirt and Hobi's right. It's not my Jin and that's enough to let myself be dragged away from the scene and sat down inside Hoseok's cruiser. "You're not good to drive. I will drive us to your house and Detective Choi will bring your car later after they've processed the scene." I nod my head.

The drive back home felt too slow. The closer we got the more anxious my body got as well, and my thoughts refused to leave the corpse that they found. "He was Seoyun's old body guard," I say suddenly breaking the silence in the car. "Yoongi was looking for him. Namjoon had identified him a while back as the man who got rid of my high school boyfriend's body after Seoyun killed him."

"I'm not trying to sound excited about a man's death, but I was really happy when I saw it wasn't Jin," Hoseok admitted. "Obviously Seoyun wants something. That means that Jin is too valuable to kill. He has to be alive, and we're going to find him."

"We're going to find him," I repeat trying to reassure myself.

We finally get home and the joyful atmosphere that usually surrounds my friends and parents is dead. Jimin is placed on Jungkook's lap sniffling uncontrollably while my father is holding on to my mom trying to comfort her, while Yoongi and Namjoon are placed in front of a computer. I step closer to see what they see.

From the screen I see someone throw a spike strip across the road causing my car's tires to pop. The car pulls over to the side and once Jin gets out someone comes up behind him and knocks him out then forcefully takes him and shoves him into a car that pulls up next to them which then drives off. A van then pulls up behind my car and opens the door. The driver takes someone out and shoves him in the drivers seat of my car. The person then gets back in the van drives back then speeds into the car causing it to ram against the telephone post and the body basically flies out into the water.

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