Chapter 36

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I woke up bright and early to start my plans for the day. I wanted to give Jin space, but I don't want him to confuse that with me giving up. So I called up the boys to help me brainstorm.

"I'm thinking big." I start. "How long do you think it'll take a blimp to get here?"

They all stared at me as if I was the biggest idiot in the world. "I don't think the blimp is big enough to write 'sorry I fucked up our relationship by being a moron, but can you please give me a second chance?' on it." Yoongi says.

"Fireworks?" I ask

"Tae you know you know you haven't been able to get near fireworks since the time you almost burned down the house." Namjoon adds. I roll my eyes.

"Like I told dad, we were going to remodel everything anyways."

"What if we lock you with him in a room and hope for the best." Jungkook suggests.

"I think that would be too much for him right now, and he'll probably just ignore me the whole time."

"You guys are thinking too big," Hobi chimes in. "Start small. How about a nice breakfast?"

"He does love food." I say thinking about his suggestion. "Hobi you're a genius!" I exclaim reaching to hug him. "Who knows how to cook?" I ask looking around, but everyone avoids my gaze. "No one?" I ask in disbelief. "We can't ask Min Seo. I'm not on her good side right now."

"I know how to make kimchi subeji. It's simple to make and really good." Yoongi suggests.

"I like it, let's do it." I say as we head to the kitchen.

We spend the next hour and a half "helping" Yoongi with cooking. By helping I mean he kept picking out everything we were doing wrong. "That's it, everyone step away from the kitchen!" He yells. "Let me do it."

"But I need to do something to make me feel like it came from me," I whine.

"You can slice the garlic." He says handing me the knife.

"Yoongi don't you think this is too much?" I ask cutting the second bulb. "Usually, you only use a couple cloves of it, but I don't feel like cooking later and Hobi invited his family for lunch at our place so I need major leftovers. His cousins eat a lot" He says.

"So are you going to take it to him?" He asks as we put the kimchi subeji in a bowl, and put the rest of it in two jugs for him.

"He should be here any minute, and I doubt he'll open the door to me, so I'm going to leave it here with a note." I say as I write something on a sheet of paper placing it next to the bowl. We hear jiggling from the kitchen door of someone trying to unlock it, and we all rush to hide in the dining room peaking through the small window on the swinging door.

"I'm not saying I constantly look at it but it's huge." Jimin says as they walk in.

"Jimin, he's our boss. You can't keep looking at that part of his body. Think about how Jungkook would react to you eyeing it." Jin replies. We all look at Jungkook who's looking between Namjoon and I with and arched eyebrow.

"He's admitted to looking at it too. He agrees." Jimin replies as they look for their aprons. We all turn to Kook again who's eyes have grown twice their size.

"It is big, isn't it?" Jin agrees. "Oh, did we forget to clean that out yesterday?" He asks pointing to the bowl on the kitchen table.

Jimin takes a closer look at it and starts stirring the soup. "It looks freshly made. Min Seo probably made it for us before she left for the doctor's." He takes a taste. "It's really good. Jin get over and have some."

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