Chapter 50

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I motion Namjoon to take a seat as I sit up on Taehyung's bed. "I don't know how to approach this," he starts and scratches the back of his head nervously." I understand if this is too much for you to take in. It was a lot for me to take in as well when I found out that we are brothers, but I would like for us to have a close relationship with each other."

Looking at him more up close, I realize that he looks nothing like me or mom. But he does resemble our father. It's unfortunate that Namjoon wasn't able to grow up with his biological family, but I'm so happy to know that my brother didn't actually die. I'm happy to know that he was surrounded by people who cared about him, and even though he never got the chance to live with me and our parents I'll make sure that he knows everything about us.

I see him starting to fidget with his fingers. I guess he took my silence as a bad sign. "It's too soon, isn't it? I'm sorry I bothered you." He gets up from the bed, but I grab his hand before he tries to leave.

"I would love to get to know my older brother," I say with a warm smile. "Anything you want to know about our parents, I'll tell you. I don't remember much about our dad because I was a kid when he passed away, but I'll tell you everything I know about him and mom." He gives my hand a small squeeze.

"I also want to talk about the inheritance." He says bringing the atmosphere down. "My other dad, Mr. Kim, and I have been talking. I got part of my family's hotel business when my grandmother passed away, since legally I am the son of Mr. Kim. Grandma Kim arranged the will for Kim Eun Jae's son to accept the mansion and a small percent of the hotel business. My father and I want you to accept our mom's inheritance on her behalf."

My jaw drops and my eyes widen at his suggestion. "There's no way I can accept that!" I exclaim. "Your grandma left it for you to claim it. This is your family's home, I can't kick you out. I refuse," I ramble violently shaking my head.

"Listen, my father has already started the process of transferring the shares to the hotel to you as well as signing off the ownership to this house. You're only getting around ten percent of the business, but that's still a lot. As for the house, Father said that if you don't want it, he's willing to buy it off you."

I keep looking at him with wide eyes, completely dumbfounded. "Isn't there a way to just give him back this house? It feels wrong taking his money to let him stay in the home you have all been living in your entire lives."

"No. The house was always under my grandfather's name, and will now be given to you. You can give Mr. Kim ownership to the house, but he's made it clear that he won't accept it unless you let him buy it back."

"But what will I do with all that money?"

Namjoon shrugs as he makes a list. "You can go back to school, buy a car, buy a house, get a pet. You also have part ownership to some of our many hotels. You can always open up a little businesses within them. You can open a restaurant, a bar, shops, it really is up to you," he brings his hand up to my head and ruffles my hair. "Whatever you decide, you have our full support," he says walking towards the door, but pauses. "One more thing. You are to move out of the employee's room immediately and move in to one of the empty rooms here," he suddenly gives me a sly smirk and lifts up his eyebrows, "unless you'd rather just stay here and move in with Taehyung. We both know he won't mind."

My cheeks turn red and I furrow my eyebrows at his suggestion. "I'm not moving into this room. You are shameless. And dirty for suggesting such thing," I continue rambling.

He lifts his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying what's bound to happen eventually, and when it does make sure no one's around. As your older brother I really don't want to be hearing strange noises coming from this room. The walls are not as thick as you think they are." He winks at me and walks out as I throw a pillow at him. Seriously, how many people heard Tae and I having sex that day?

My train of thought is interrupted when the devil himself walks in with a tray of food. "Min Seo cooked this for you. She wants to make sure you're eating right. She's not happy that you and Jimin came back looking thinner," he chuckles.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Her along with everyone else has gone to sleep. I was told to keep you here. I'll sleep on the couch so you'll be comfortable."

"I can take one of the guest rooms," I say starting to get up.

"None of them are ready. They all have beds but no sheets. That will be taken care of tomorrow, but for now you can borrow my clothes to sleep." I nod slightly accepting the clothes. Once I walk out of the bathroom I see that he's fixing the couch up for himself. "Why don't you sleep on the bed. We've done it before." He looks back at me with wide eyes. "Sleep on the same bed I mean. Just sleep." I add.

He shrugs and nods as he awkwardly lays down next to me. I try my best to sleep, but I find myself staring at the ceiling trying to process everything that's happened the past couple of days. Finding out my mother's death wasn't an accident makes my blood boil. That wicked woman who is responsible for her death is going to pay for what she did. I'll make sure of it.

My phone starts ringing snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at the caller ID: Sandeul. The name causes me to snap my head towards Taehyung's direction debating whether I should answer or not.

"He's been calling for hours," Taehyung speaks up solemnly. "You should answer, it's probably important."

I nod my head and put the phone against my ear.


"Jin? I have been trying to call you since I saw your text. Are you really back in Seoul?"

"Yes, I am. I got back several hours ago. Sorry, I didn't answer your calls, I was asleep."

"It's okay you must be tired," he says with a small chuckle. "So it's been a while. Last time we saw each other was in Boseong three months ago. I had a lot of fun, and tomorrow is my day off. I was wondering if you'd like to catch up. Maybe get some dinner?"

My heart is beating really loud now as I find myself in a weird situation. I want to accept his invitation. Sandeul has been a good friend to me since the hospital, but at the same time Taehyung is laying down right next to me. I'm still not completely sure what kind of relationship I want with him, but it still feels wrong to accept a dinner invitation. But both of us have been in pain due to our relationship. Even though it hurts to know he slept with someone else I know it hurt him to see me go and for me to shut him out.

Maybe he and I are just not meant to be together. Maybe there's nothing left to save. Maybe we should both have a chance to move on.

"Dinner sounds great." I automatically regret my answer when I hear a sad sigh being let out next to me.

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7."

We hang up and I quietly put my phone back on the nightstand. "Sandeul?" Tae asks.

"He's Dr. Lee from the hospital. I ran into him in Boseong a few months ago. He was there for some medical convention as a guest speaker, and we've kept in touch since. We're just friends."

"You don't have to explain yourself," Tae replies. "You deserve to be with someone who won't hurt you like I did. You deserve to move on."

"Sandeul and I are just friends," I state once again.

"But he would be an idiot not to want more than just your friendship, and unlike me he actually seems like a good person."

"Tae, you're not a bad person," I say turning towards him.

"Just a bad boyfriend," he muttered and turned to his side facing away from me.

He's doing this for my own good, but why does it hurt having him encourage me to go out with someone else? I thought moving on was supposed to feel liberating, so why does it feel like it's breaking my heart all over again?


We're almost there💜

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