Chapter 26

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Jin POV 

I groan as I hit the snooze button on my alarm. I lay in my bed looking up at the ceiling and smile as I see flashbacks with how I spent my day with Taehyung yesterday. After we ate we showered together which ended with us making love once again and spent the rest of the day laying on his bed watching movies and eating junkfood we found downstairs. It was perfect. I'm so happy to say that the Ken situation is officially behind us. I can't believe he thought I would ever have a thing with a guy who I hardly interact with. The kid hardly even socializes with anyone. He mostly keeps to himself, but according to Tae he doesn't like that he seems to linger around me. I'm taken out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door.

"Seokjin?" From the voice I can tell it's Ken, so I get up to answer.


"Good morning, I'm sorry to bother you but Mr. Chu came down with the flu and I was told that you used to help with maintenance before I was hired, so I was wondering if you could help me out today? I already talked to your aunt and she said it's okay with her." He says looking down with a slight blush. Really I can't believe Tae would feel intimidated by this kid. He couldn't even look at me in the eye the whole time he was rambling.

"Sure let me just get dressed and I'll meet you in the backyard." He nods and I close the door and start getting ready for the day before walking out to meet Ken. We meet and he gives me a list of things he has to do today.

1. Replace the cracked windows in the pool house

2. Change the light bulbs around the house

3. Repair the hinges of the front door

4. Fix the front doorbell

5. Repair any damages Namjoon may have caused in the past week

The last one made me smile. He really does break a lot of things. "You'd be surprised how much the guy breaks. Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to bubble wrap the whole house. There would be a lot less casualties." He says slightly annoyed.

"He's really sweet, though. He really doesn't mean to, it's part of his charm."

"I guess if it means I get to spend more time with you then I can't really complain." I snap my head towards his direction to see him giving me a sly smirk. I've never seen him look at me that way. It's kind of creepy.

"Let's start with the windows the day's only going to get hotter and there's no AC in there." I say trying to ignore his earlier statement.

We're half done with switching the windows out when Ken decides to make conversation with me.

"So are your parents like models or something? Because you don't look like you belong working in the kitchen." I'm taken back by his bold statement, but chuckle as I see he's just trying to break our silence.

"What can I say, my dad was really handsome and my mom was absolutely gorgeous." 

"Was?" he questions.

"Yeah they've both passed away." I saw removing the cracked glass.

"Oh, I'm so sorry how insensitive of me. I'm sorry for your loss."

I shake my head. "It's ok."

"Well they gave you their best genes I bet you're a real heart breaker."

"Eh, I do alright, but I've never been one to be constantly moving from one person to the next." I look up when I hear a faint 'huh' come from him. "Something wrong?"

"I just find it weird you seem really down to earth and loyal, but your boyfriend is known as the biggest player in Seoul." My eye twitches slightly at his statement and he automatically has a face of regret. "I'm sorry I should just keep my mouth shut."

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