Chapter 13

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The door opens to reveal a pissed off Min Seo. 

"Aunt I can explain" Jin starts as he gets out of the car.

"Don't!" She hold her hand up to stop him. "Get the groceries and get inside the house. NOW!" He flinches but does as he's told and hurries inside.

"Wait let me help you" I start walking after him.

"KIM TAEHYUNG" I stop. "Don't you even think about walking away from me. You and I are going to talk."

I face her, fear still in my eyes. "Okay" I reply.

"She shakes her  head at me in disbelief. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not blind Taehyung. I've noticed the way you are around him. I just saw you try to jump him! Is playing with people this much fun?" I frown at her comment as she continues. "Did he do something that made you want to target him as your next victim?"

"Victim? Playing? Who said I'm playing with him?"

"I'm not stupid, Tae. We all know about your weekly visitors. How am I supposed to trust you with my nephew when you've had half of Seoul in your bed at some point?" I gasp in shock at her comment. "Listen, if getting wasted and sleeping around is how you cope with your pain, by all means you do what you have to do to fix yourself, but don't drag my nephew down with you." She warns before walking away.

"I like him" I say barely audible, but its still loud enough for her to her because she stops and turns around  to look at me again "a lot. I like him a lot. Not just to be with for one night, and move to someone else the next day, but to actually be with."

"I want to believe you."

"But you don't." I let out a humorless chuckle. "I know I'm not good enough for him."

Her face softens as she steps closer to me. "Don't say that. You're amazing, and I know you're capable of love, but I don't think you're ready for that right now. I can't imagine the hell you probably went through in the hands of your mom. I still blame myself for not being able to protect you from her, but Jin has been through a lot of pain as well. He's had to see everyone he loves leave him, me included. I wasn't there when both him and my sister needed me the most. He's lost so much, and losing his mother took the biggest toll on him. My sister died before I was able to make up for my sin. And now she's not here and I have to be sure that I protect Jin. In a way it feels like I'm making up for the lost time and I finally get to be there for my nephew." Her voice cracks a little and she stays in thought for a second before she continues. "But I know both you and Jin are adults. I can't keep him from you, and I won't so if you decide to pursue a relationship with my nephew I won't stand in your way" I feel a small smile creep up on my face. "Not so fast. This doesn't mean you have my blessing either. You have a lot to prove to me that you're serious about him to have my full support, and keep in mind that you still need to heal from what you've been through. I know the bedroom strangers have stopped since Jin has arrived, but it's only been two weeks, and its going to take more than that. Don't forget you also have a witch for a mother who will for sure not approve of this relationship."

I nod in agreement. "I know. I'll protect him from her and anyone who even thinks about hurting him, and I understand if you can't trust me right now Min Seo. Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet." Her eyes darken and I suddenly feel a churn in my stomach. "If you or your mother do anything to him. Even the smallest slip up, don't think about me helping you through the consequences. So please, I'm begging you, Tae, don't break his heart."

Jin's POV

I was preparing lunch as calm as possible, even though the only thing I wanted right now was for the ground to swallow me whole. I know the big lecture coming my way once auntie is done with Tae. My thoughts and worries are interrupted once aunt Min Seo walks in. "I'm sorry about that aunt. I know you didn't get me this job for me to flirt with the boss' son."

She joins me and starts cutting meat. "You got that right. What happened to 'I don't like him like that'?"

"I think you know as much as I do that my comment was a lie." I say with a chuckle. "I know I'm stupid for developing feelings for him. Don't worry I won't act on them if that's what you want."

She comes up to me and brushes my bangs away from my face. "There's nothing stupid about falling in love. It's the most beautiful feeling in the world, but it also comes with pain. It doesn't matter what I want, like I told Tae you're an adult who can make decision on your own, just please be careful."

I give her a small smile. "Thank you auntie. Now stop being so sentimental before you start crying." I say trying to lighten the mood.

She laughs. "You're just like your mother." She's deep in to my eyes as if trying to look for something. "I'm so happy to have you in my life to remind me of her." I bring her into my arms when I see her eyes tearing up.

"I miss her so much." I try to hold back my tears as much as possible but completely lose it when I hear sobs from my aunt.

"Not a day goes by that I don't regret not being there for the both of you."

"Its ok. We both understood. She loved you she always talked about you. You couldn't always be there but she always made sure that I knew who you were." I place a kiss on her forehead as we continued to stand there reminiscing the memory of my beloved mother, her beloved sister.


An: I know not much Taejin here but I wanted to focus more on Min Seo's relationship with Jin and why she's so protective since I saw some comments confused about her reaction to the almost kiss. That and Min Seo actually does take a big part in the story. Speaking of the almost kiss at this point I feel like I've put it off for so long that when they do I'd have to make it the best thing ever and I don't think I can live up to that lol. At this point I'm putting it off cuz I'm scared 😂😰 but don't worry it's coming. On another note some secrets will finally start to be revealed (so drama?) but not all. This book still has a long way to go so stay with me please💜

By the way y'all seen the new bon voyage clip that was released? They deadass left a whole ass Hobi behind at a gas station omg his reaction was the cutest😂

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