Chapter 25

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I groan as a feel a wave of pain coming from my ass. I rub my eyes waking up and look at Tae still sleeping next to me. He looks like an angel in his sleep, unlike the demon who wrecked my ass couple hours ago. I poke his nose mole causing his nose to twitch and his eyes to open. He gives me his boxy smile and brings his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"What time is it? Min Seo will kill me if I leave her to prepare food on her own." I groan.

"Don't worry about it. My dad texted while you were sleeping he decided to give everyone the day off today, and treat the staff plus Namjoon to lunch."

I look at him surprised. "Really? Why?"

"He heard of our argument and decided to come check up on us..."

"Oh no" I cover my face as I feel my blood rush up my body filled with embarrassment.

"Oh yes. He heard us as soon as he stepped out of his office and led everyone out through the kitchen exit so no one would go through the trauma he went through in hearing our 'argument'."

"I'm so embarrassed." I say still covering my face. I hear him laugh so I smack his chest. "Stop! It's not funny!" I yell chuckling eventually giving in and laughing with him. Our laugh dies down eventually and he starts running his fingers along my chest until he eventually stops on my scar.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but what happened?" I sigh contemplating whether I'm ready to talk about this. "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer."

"No, I want to open up to you." I say taking his hands into my own.

"Did someone do this to you?" He asked in a stern voice.

"No, it happened almost two years. My mother was in an accident. She was on a plane to come visit her sister, but the fuel leaked and no one noticed until it was too late." I choke out. "The plane exploded with all the passengers in it. It was so big of an impact that it caused the airport to shake and the frequency caused the windows to break, and I was one of the people affected for standing too close. A big piece of glass was lodged in my chest and that's how I got the scar." I explained looking down. I turned to look at Tae. I see sadness in his eyes as he cups my face with his hands.

"I'm so sorry you had to experience that." He says before bringing me close to his chest, and I feel my tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"I woke up three weeks later. Min Seo explained that I had died during surgery and when they resuscitated me, they still weren't sure I'd make it. Funny thing is that when I figured out my mom had died I wished I stayed dead."

"Don't say that. Your mom wouldn't have wanted that for you."

"That's exactly what Min Seo said."

"So that's why Min Seo left." He stated.

"What do you mean? She never told you about the incident that killed her sister and almost killed her nephew?"

"Baby, Min Seo has been working for us since forever, but we don't know much about her. I remember coming home from school and she told me she was leaving. I got scared at first thinking she meant for good, but then she told me she just wanted to take a vacation."

I bring my eyebrows together confused. "And you didn't question this?"

"We couldn't. Min Seo hadn't had any time off in years, Dad didn't want her to think that we didn't appreciate her if he tried questioning why she wanted to go on vacation so suddenly. She was gone for a couple months and throughout the following year she kept asking for one weekend a month off. We thought she had met someone, but eventually she told us that she was visiting her nephew, and that's when she asked Father if he could give you a job here with us, and he gladly accepted."

"Why would she keep us a secret?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Maybe we weren't important enough to talk about." I say feeling my heart fall.

"No, that's not the Min Seo I know." He said rubbing my back.

"The Min Seo I know drops everything to love us when we need it. She sat down and cried with Namjoon for hours when he experienced his first heart break. She was the one who went to our parent/teacher conferences and boasted every time we got an award at school. Joon and I owe her everything. She was the person keeping me alive when I just wanted to give up." I look up when I hear his voice crack towards the end.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pretty sure knowing how much both her and Jimin love to gossip, they must've told you what happened when my mom found me with my high school boyfriend in my room."

"I'm sorry." I looked down ashamed, but he lifts my face back up.

"I'm not mad. What no one knows is where I was the month I was gone." He let out a deep sigh and continued. "I was locked in the wine cellar." I perk up in surprise. "That's why Namjoon couldn't figure out where she had sent me off to, because I never left the house."

"What happened?"

"She hired women to put on a show for me. I really wasn't into it. I actually felt disgusted by it, so she got one of her goons to force me to drink. Once I would be completely wasted..." I see him gulp as his tears start falling from his eyes. I hug him tightly having an idea of what he's about to reveal.

"It's ok. You don't have to talk about it if you're not ready."

"NO, I want you to know, and I want you to stay the hell away from her. I don't ever want her to do anything that could hurt you" he takes another deep breath and continues. "After I would get drunk she would pay those same women to do things to me. Every time I would talk about my first time I would mention my boyfriend at the time, but honestly that's how I lost my virginity. My mom paid women to rape me thinking it would somehow turn me straight. Instead she broke me. I hated her from that moment on, but I was scared at the same time so I made her believe it worked so she would let me go, and that's why I would continue to bring girls over when I knew she'd be home, and I would rent hotel rooms when I would have sex with men. The only way my body would react to women though is if I'm completely wasted which is why every time I brought a girl home I'd be so drunk I wouldn't remember my own name."

This time I brought him against my chest as he continued sobbing. "I'm sorry, baby. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you must've gone through."

"No one did. I came back and I didn't know how to talk about what happened. Namjoon must've also experienced something hard while I was gone because when I came back he was basically a robot. Just like me he wouldn't talk to anyone and our dad was always away on business."

"So you were both alone?"

"No. Even though there was something clearly wrong with the both of us Min Seo still found ways to take care of us. It's like she could tell we were depressed. She told us we didn't have to talk about it if we weren't ready but she made sure we ate. That we showered and got through the day. She would leave sticky notes on our room doors with reasons of why we make her proud and it made our situations less sucky." He grabbed on to my hand and gave it a squeeze. "I know all of the secrets she's been keeping lately don't make her look too good, but trust me when I say that she must have a really good reason behind her actions. You just have to trust her." I nod in agreement as he leans up to kiss my lips. "Now go back to sleep and rest. I'll order food for us and wake you when it gets here." He said while getting up.

I tried to drift off to sleep but I can't stop thinking about Tae. That bitch really is a monster. Now I'm torn, maybe I should tell him about Min Seo and Seoyun's argument. Maybe I should tell him the woman he despises so much isn't actually his mom. Or maybe he's right and Min Seo is keeping these secrets from us for a reason. Maybe I should trust her.


Hope you enjoyed the double update. I'm hyped I can't wait for ON. I was originally going to update tomorrow but I wasn't going to have time due to exams and the album coming out so I hope it was ok with just doing it today thank you💜💜

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