Chapter 12

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Two weeks pass and I still hadn't spoken a word to Tae since that day. We got a lot busier when Mr. and Mrs. Kim came back from Tokyo. Jimin, auntie and I were constantly cooking dishes and baking desserts to see what food will be served for the charity event next week. I still can't help but think back to what I said to Tae two weeks ago. I can't believe I said that to him. What was I thinking? I don't know what came over me. I've always been openly confident about my looks... I mean duh I'm pretty sure its scientifically proven that I have the ideal handsome face, but openly flirting with someone is not something I would normally do. Specially not like that. I sigh in frustration. Kim Taehyung you're gonna make me lose my mind!

"What's got you frustrated Jinnie?" Aunt Min Seo asks walking into the kitchen.

"Oh nothing" I lie.

"It's not about a boxy smile named Taehyung, is it?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

I stiffen. "Uhh no. I was just dozing off" I chuckle.


"Good? Do you have an issue with him?"

"Of course not" she shakes her head as she washes her hands to help make breakfast. "I raised Tae. Him and Namjoon take up a really special place in my heart. I love them both as if they were my own kids. I also know them like the back of my hand. Namjoon he's intelligent, and extremely caring. He will do anything and to keep the ones he loves safe. He's level headed and has a calm soul." She looks up from cutting fruit. "Tae, he's a little more complicated. He has his brother's intelligence and loving nature. But he's been through a really hard time, and that's affected him a lot. He's impulsive, and sometimes doesn't evaluate the consequences of his actions until it's too late. I love him and would do anything for him and he truly is an amazing person who loves with his whole being, but I can't assure you that he won't break your heart."

I take in her words and pretend to be unfazed by them. "Its a good thing I don't like him like that" I lie.

She gives me a knowing look. "Mhm, sure"

I desperately start thinking of other topics to change the subject. "So when you left us after father died, mom said the reason behind it was because you moved to work here. But it seems like you've been working here longer than that." I say remembering my conversation with Tae.

Auntie freezes. "You probably misunderstood her."

"Then why do you look nervous?" I start feeling annoyed as I start to sense her keeping something from me. "Are you going to lie to me too? I know what I heard. Why is it so hard for you to tell me the truth. I don't see what the big deal about your job is."

She let's out a sigh of defeat. "Fine what do you want to know?"

"Why did you really leave us?"

"It really was to come back here. I couldn't stay away for long or I wouldn't have had a job when I came back."

"How long have you been working for the Kim family?"

"Almost 29 years. I was 15 when I got this job."

My eyes widen in shock as many questions came flooding to my head. "THAT LONG?! Why did I not know about this?! Why did mother lie?! What was she hiding?"

She walks over to me and rests a hand on top of mine. "Calm down. Listen, there's many things that you don't know, and I promise that there's an explanation for everything. I just can't give them to you right now." I look down defeated and disappointed, but she soon moves my chin to look at her. "All you need to know is that you are loved. If your mother and I kept secrets from you it was done only for your safety."

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