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1 Year later

I sit patiently waiting for my name to be called, and considering my last name is Kim, I'll be waiting a while. I look to the cheering crowd and spot them all. My family, the reason I was able to get as far as I am right now. Although it was my hard work and sleepless nights working on assignments that led to me finally graduating college, they are the ones who opened the door for me. They helped me get help and even though it was a process for me to accept and move on from killing Seoyun, they never left my side.

Mr. Kim gave me a proud smile as he waved at me. His generosity has definitely taught me that you can be powerful and rich, but still be a good person. Even though things didn't work out between him and my mom, I know that wherever she is, she's proud of the man he is and will always consider him her first love.

I will always feel in debt to Yoongi and Jungkook. They didn't know me for long but helped me and protected me when I needed it. Although they may reduce to making irrational decisions sometimes, their hearts are always in the right place, and their main focus is keeping the people they love safe.

Namjoon and I became closer throughout this past year. Most of our conversations usually consist of him teasing me and me fighting back, though. At some point Min seo had enough of our bickering and grounded the both of us. We didn't even know that was a possibility since we're both grown adults, but she made it possible. We never take our arguments seriously, however, because even throughout the constant teasing we know we love each other a lot. I will forever be grateful to have my Joonie in my life. Thanks to him I was able to get through the hard business courses I took, and it paid off as we both just became owners of Eun-Jae's. A restaurant we decided to name after our mom which will be opening by the end of the year.

My eyes next land on Hoseok. I like to think of him as everyone's guardian angel and savior. Any time someone was in trouble he was always there to help out. Our ray of sunshine, who never hesitates to protect any of us is the one who was able to connect all the dots in the investigation against Seoyun. He's a perfectionist who deserves the same amount of perfection from all of us. Which is why when Yoongi finally decided to propose to him, we all scolded him when he said he would just pick out a random ring off the jewelry display. Needless to say after much yelling, soju, and tears (most of which came from Yoongi because Jimin can be ruthless with his words) he finally decided on a beautiful diamond ring in the shape of a sunflower. Hobi meets my gaze and gives me a thumps up and points at Jimin sitting next to him, who is wiping his tears and starts chuckling.

Jimin, my little Chim-chim, my best friend who wasted no time in opening his arms to me the first day I arrived to Seoul and has stuck by my side since. He's protected me and guided me through decisions he believed were the best for me. Our bond is truly unbreakable to the point that our own partners fear we'll leave them and run away together. We joke that we just might any time Tae or Kook piss either one of us off. He's become my other half and I can't see my life without him. I truly wish him complete happiness with his Kookie.

I look at my dear Aunt Min seo, who turned out not to be my aunt after all. I don't think selfish has ever been part of her vocabulary. From the minute my mom left Namjoon to her care, she dedicated herself to raising a child that wasn't hers and stayed by his side. Every decision she made was to protect the ones she loved. I will spend my whole life thanking her and trying to repay everything she did for me after my mom passed away. My mom who loved her with her whole heart and always told me about their adventures together would have wanted her to be happy, which is why I keep encouraging her to try to find love. Joon and I even set her up with a dating profile after Tae bought her a phone. Her and Mr. Kim added another week to our punishment in return.

Finally my eyes land on the love of my life, the man who somehow manages to always be in my thoughts, and the reason I hardly ever sleep, Taehyung. He and I have truly came a long way together, and waking up next to him always brings a smile on my face. Loving him was one of the most painful experiences of my life. There were times that I doubted if we really belonged together, but his determination to change has shown me that I made the right choice in giving him another chance. I've learned to express myself more over problems I have pertaining to us, and Taehyung has learned to hear me out instead of acting on instinct, and although our relationship isn't perfect, we've both learned that no relationship is and that's fine as long as we learn from our mistakes and grow together.

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