Chapter 55

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My grip around Taehyung's waist tightens when I feel him shaking. I lift my head up to see him, and wipe his tears. "I need a minute," Hoseok says, his voice slightly shakes and he exits the room.

"The other two disks include the same content?" Detective Chong asks. Taehyung nods and reaches to remove the disk from the computer.

"Do you think it's enough to arrest Seoyun?" He asks.

"We'd have to take pictures of the wine cellar to match the images in the videos first," Detective Chong replies. "We will also have to identify the women in the videos. If they can testify against Seoyun, then that would be enough for her to get locked up."

Hoseok walks back into the room still wiping his eyes. "Detective Chong will take your statement, Taehyung. I'll gather evidence from the wine cellar. Once we're done here Detective Chong will work on identifying the women on the videos." Hoseok gives an affirming nod to his partner and hands him car keys.

"I'll get the equipment from the car," Detective Chong says and heads out leaving Taehyung, Hoseok, and I alone.

Hoseok picks up the disks sitting on Taehyung's computer with a shaking hand. "Can you please say something?" Taehyung pleads.

"I don't know what to say. I'm still trying to process what I saw," Hobi mutters weakly.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, but you are the only one who I trust to be able to work my case with a rational mind. Jungkook and Yoongi would be too blinded by anger. They're run by impulse and we need to be as careful as possible to bring Seoyun down."

Hoseok responds by pulling Tae in to a tight hug. "I don't care if I have to work at the station day and night. I won't rest until her disgusting surgery induced as is out of our lives for good." I stare at them as Hobi continues holding on to Taehyung for dear life, and for a second I see something in his eyes. Something more than just anger and disgust, and for that same second I fear that sending Seoyun to prison isn't how he plans in removing her from our lives.

Taehyung POV

The rest of the day was exhausting. I spent hours with Detective Chong going over my statement. I then had to tour him around the wine cellar, which is the one part of the house that I always tried avoiding going to. It was dinner time when they finally left, and although Hobi always gives me energy, I couldn't be more happier to finally be able to take my mind off everything that's happened.

I was glad to be able to sit down and have a meal with my family, and Jimin. It was soothing to have dinner with everyone together since it's never been done before, I could definitely get used to this. Once dinner was taken care of Jin and Jimin cleared out the table, and I volunteered to do the dishes with Min Seo, my mom.

 After the whole truth was revealed we talked, and I immediately tried convincing her to stop working for me and to move in to the main house, and to let me take care of her from now on, but she refused. She said she would die of boredom if she had nothing to do anymore. "Fine you can still cook for us, but you should still move in to one of our spare rooms. You should also let me talk to dad about hiring more help. You shouldn't be slaving away and cleaning everything on your own when your son is part owner of everything."

She thinks for a while as she dries a plate with her rag. "I don't know if moving in would be a good idea. I don't want to burden your father."

"We could always set you up in an apartment. Living here was always optional. You could've moved somewhere better."

"I could have, but you and Namjoon were here. I wanted to make sure that if either of you needed anything I was within walking distance." I let her finish drying the last of the dishes before I wrap my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You dedicated your whole life to taking care of Namjoon and I, and you always kept  us happy, but it's time you live for yourself. Go on out and make friends, or go on vacation, or go out and find someone."

"I'm too old for that," she says solemnly.

"Nonsense, you are still young. You just have to get out there. Go for a night out. I won't even judge you if you decide to come home the next morning. Just be safe," I tease. I automatically regret it when she pulls away and starts smacking me with the wet rag in her hands.

"You pervert," she says as she continues smacking me with the dish rag. "Have some respect for the woman that brought you into this world."

I hold my hands up in defense as I try to get the rag from her. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." 

We finish off cleaning the kitchen and my mom gives me a kiss goodnight that has me happily waddling back to my room. My smile only gets wider when I see Jin in his pajamas waiting outside my door. I open the door for us and change out of my clothes then slide into bed with him. He wraps his arms around me, and rests my head on his chest. The soothing beating of his heart starts lulling me to sleep.

"How are you feeling?" he asks lowly. "Today must have been a lot for you. I want to make sure you're fine."

I place a small gently kiss on his chest. "It was hard having Hobi watch that, but I can't wait for that bitch to finally get what she deserves."

"I trust that Hobi will do his best to make sure of it," Jin replies. I look up to meet his gaze and tighten my arm on his waist."

"Thank you for not leaving my side today. Having you there with me made it a little easier."

Jin leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead. "I promise to stay by your side throughout all of this. I'm not letting you do go through this on your own." I lean up to give him a soft kiss on the lips and smile back at him. I then reach to turn off the light and wrap my arms around him once again knowing that with Jin by my side I can pull through any hardship.


A little bit of fluff to prepare us all...💜

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