Chapter 33

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He smirked as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I thought what you three woke up seeing explained enough. Don't you think?" He said pointing at Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook.

"See I told you this was a waste of my time," I hear Taehyung say. "I'm leaving." He heads for the door but Jackson's in the way.

"No one is leaving. I have the key and Ken over there has lies written all over his face." Jackson states as he turns Tae around gesturing for him to go back. It amazes me that I just met Jackson a few hours ago and even he believes me more than Tae. This just added more fuel to my anger.

"I am telling the truth!" Ken yells.

Something in me snaps and I finally release all the anger I had been feeling since I woke up that stupid morning. I slam my fist on the table startling everyone in the room and grab Ken by the collar lifting him out of his seat to meet my eyes. "Cut the crap!" I yell back. "We all know you're lying. Now tell us what the hell you did to me or the next person you'll be explaining this whole situation to is the police for possession of drugs," I threaten while looking into his eyes. Except I don't see the cocky son of a bitch staring back at me.  Instead I see a boy who's scared.

"Ending up in jail beats the alternative." He replies as I let him go.

"Well we didn't come here to waste our time," Yoongi starts. "We are willing to cut a deal with you."

"What's the deal?" Ken asks.

"You're obviously running from someone, but you're stupid enough to travel by plane where anyone can easily get records of your destination because you have to use your passport. Your safest bet would've been a train and payed in cash, but obviously you need to leave the country."

"What are you trying to get at?" Ken asks. Yoongi brings out a yellow envelope and slides it to him. "I know a guy who does legitimate travel documents. They are government issued so they're 100% authentic I even had him include birth certificate and a high school diploma. You can have a new identity and go wherever you want to go without anyone knowing. All you have to do is tell us the truth."

Ken looks down at all the papers Yoongi passed to him contemplating his options. He really is set to go. "And none of you will follow me?"

"We'd be more than happy to not have to see your face again."

We all stare at him for a minute. He's holding his hands together trying to hide the fact that they're shaking but I can see it clearly. He's terrified. "I was hired to work maintenance by Mrs. Kim, but she told me she'd give me a bonus if I broke up Tae and Jin." He stops for a second and looks around. Of course it had to be the stupid witch to ruin everything. "She said it would be easy because Jin was a whore and would probably fall for me, but I didn't even get the chance to try it because he wouldn't even give me the time of day." He lifted his gaze and made eye contact with me.

"You were always surrounded by your aunt and friends. When you weren't with them you were with Taehyung, and Mrs. Kim was getting impatient. The day Mr. Kim invited us to lunch Mrs. Kim tipped the staff to slip something in Mr. Chu's plate to give him food poisoning, and had you work with me the next day. She knew that Tae would get pissed off if you spent the whole day with me. She waited for you both to fight and when you went to the kitchen to blow off some steam that was my cue to try to get you drunk."

"But you did more than just hand me a drink, didn't you?" I question.

"I swear it wasn't my idea. You were difficult but eventually I was able to get you past the first drink until you became tipsy. That was the plan, for you to loosen up enough to get horny, but when I reached over to try to kiss you, you pushed me away. You said not to confuse the drink for something more. That you loved your boyfriend and that your fight wasn't going to change that." I slowly  turn to look at Tae. I see his hands form into fists and I look back at Ken to continue.

"You put your head down for a couple seconds and that's when I put in the crushed pills in your drink. You gulped the last of it down and tried leaving, but I held you back. Mrs. Kim came in as I tried composing you. She said you weren't drunk enough because you were still conscious, so she kept force drinking you liquor mixed with pills. I told her to stop but she wouldn't, she kept going until eventually you were completely gone. You couldn't even stand on your own."

"What about the pictures?" Taehyung asks lowly.

"I knew about the cameras in the backyard, and she told me to pose for them with Jin on me. The first couple it really was me trying to walk him steadily and then I figured I'd just carry him."

"What happened afterwards?" I asked.

"We got to your room and I took my clothes off and stripped you out of yours." I feel tears swell up in my eyes, but I try hard to blink them away. "I laid you down on the bed, but you seemed to have started waking up so I gave you one last pill and that one knocked you out completely." I couldn't hold it in anymore as my tears started rolling down my cheeks, and Jimin reaches out to me holding me in his arms. "I didn't lay a single hand on you inappropriately. I swear. She tried to convince me to do stuff to you, but I told her that's too far and even I have a limit, so I just laid us down. Nothing happened, and I was already on edge by the amount of drugs and alcohol we made you drink. I stayed up looking after you to make sure you didn't throw up and choke on your vomit or something and waited for Tae to walk in and catch us. When I left I printed out the pictures, gave them to Mrs. Kim and she gave me money to get lost and never come back. With the money she also threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone, so you better be telling me the truth about these documents being legal."

The room went completely silent. Not one of us dared to move. Jimin stayed with his arm around bringing me closer to him as if assuring me that everything is better now.

I hear footsteps and turn to see Tae with a blank expression on his face approaching Ken. He grabs Ken by the collar and punches him knocking Ken to the floor. He gets on top of him and continues beating him. We all stand there and watch not bothering to get Tae off of him.

"What do you want to do now?" Jimin whispers.

"There's nothing left for me to do here. I got my answers, can you drive me home?" We look at Jackson and he gives us a small nod and hands his keys to Hoseok. "Thank you Jackson for everything. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"Don't worry about it Jin. I'll meet you all back the the mansion for my car." He replies.

Jimin and Yoongi notify their boyfriends that we're leaving and we start heading out. I take one last look at Tae beating Ken except this time I also see Yoongi and Namjoon trying to separate them. I shake my head and walk out.


...🍵🙄 I was honestly going to wait until tomorrow but I got so much love the last chapter I couldn't hold out any longer lol hope you all don't mind💜

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