Chapter 53

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My mind goes momentarily blank as I feel my back collide against his door. "Are you sure?" Taehyung asked, his voice going lower than it is.

I nod my head slightly as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I want you," I state lowly. He brings his hand to cup my cheek and pull me into a time-stopping kiss. His lips are as warm and smooth as I remember. My senses go numb for a bit as Taehyung keeps pressing me against the door. Our lips keep molding together as he trails his big, soft hands from my face down my body and settling on my waist.

I get bold and pull his lip between my teeth and bite down hard then lick around the abused area when I hear him hiss in pain. A small grunt is heard from Taehyung before he quickly picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist. Our eyes meet and there's a spark of danger and lust swirling within his irises. "Don't tease me like that," he says lowly.

With my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands holding on to my ass, I shift my body up then down to grind against him. "What are you going to do about it?" I ask challenging him with a smirk on my lips.

Taehyung momentarily snaps out of his lust filled gaze and replaces it with a serious expression. "Last time you were on my bed, I hurt you. I was in a state of rage and used your body as revenge for something you didn't do. I broke your heart and when you left crying, I didn't even care to check if you were okay. Not to mention I went out and continued to make stupid decisions that only hurt us more. My point is I don't want to hurt you like that again. What if having sex reminds you of the pain I caused?" He bites his lip nervously as he waits for my response.   

"That's why we're going to work on our issues together," I assure. "I don't expect for either one of us to forget about what happened. Nothing will ever change what you did, but you can make up for it. You've been learning from your mistakes, and you have also used this time we spent apart to grow as a person. That is why I gave you another chance. I don't expect our relationship to be perfect, and I don't want us walking on egg shells around each other fearing to hurt the other." I state. "As for sex, if you don't want to then I respect your decision if you want to wait for us to do that again." I try assuring him, but I can tell he's conflicted about what I said. My weight shifts slightly and I feel something hard poking my ass, and I realize why he's having an internal conflict.  "I'm fine with taking things slow, but I want you to know that I wouldn't do something I'm not comfortable doing." I purposefully grind against him again, and hear him intake a sharp breath. "I wouldn't be teasing you like this if I wasn't expecting for you to do something about it," I challenge once again.

His eyes stay dangerously on mine as he walks us to his bed and lays me down on top of it. "You have no clue how much I've missed your body," he mutters and brings himself on top of me.

"Show me then," I answer back and pull him down on me and capture his lips with mine desperately. We start devouring each other and I wrap my legs around his waist once again to pull him towards me making both our erect members rub against each other. Taehyung grunts and quickly makes his way down the buttons of my shirt, discarding it on the floor. I follow suit and start removing his shirt and we continue taking turns removing clothes off each other until we're both naked. 

My mouth leaves his lips to trail along his jaw then down his neck, and his hands continue running around my body until they settle on my chest and I feel a small pinch on my erect nipples causing me to let out a small moan. I tease him back as I latch my teeth on his neck and bite down hard while sucking on his skin. He hisses in pain, and before I'm able to process anything he flips me over on my stomach and smacks my ass, hard. "Behave," he growls instantly making me gasp.

I chuckle and bring my ass up to rub against his hard cock. "Make me," I tease. He brings my body to sit up on my knees and presses my back against his chest and starts rubbing his member up and down my crack as he brings his other hand to play with my hard nubs once again.

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