Chapter 15

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I make my way out of my father's office and take my phone out to let Yoongi know that I needed to talk to him, but got distracted as I heard a sweet voice coming from behind me. "Hey I heard yelling coming from upstairs earlier, are you okay?" I turn around to see Jin standing there with worry filling his beautiful brown orbs. I nod my head to reassure that I'm fine.

"I'm actually better than okay," I say with a chuckle. "I revealed to my dad that I'm gay, but apparantely he already knew. We talked and he still loves me" I say with a bright smile.

"Of course he still does. Who wouldn't? Its you" he says before his face falls after saying the last part. I smirk at his indirect confession, and let out a small dramatic gasp.

"Kim Seokjin, is that your way of telling me you love me?" I say with a hand on my chest. He rolls his eyes and gives me a small smack on my chest.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just trying to be a good friend."

I bring my hand up to my heart and fake being in pain "Ouch, just 'friends'?" I ask taking a step closer to him. "I thought after what's been going on between us the past couple of weeks, we'd be more."

He crosses his arms and let's out a scoff. "Please, your family would go crazy."

I step even closer and snake my arm around his waist, and closer to his hear until I feel my own breath lingering on his skin. "My dad's exact words were to 'tap that'" I whisper huskly in his ear.

His eyes go wide and I almost burst out laughing at the blushing mess he's become. "He said what?"

"In his defense he had no idea what that statement meant."

He lets out a small laugh. "Who even says that anymore?"

"Apparently some guy at the bank" I say as I join him laughing. I realize this is the first time I hear him full on laugh. Its loud and high pitched, almost like a windshield wiper, but somehow it's still the cutest thing I've ever heard and I don't want it to stop. I feel a sense of pride in knowing I'm the reason behind it. I stare at him in awe for a couple of seconds before cupping his face with my hand and rubbing my thumb against his cheek. "I like your laugh"

He gives me a look of confusion and raises an eyebrow. "You're kidding right? Everybody finds it annoying. Even my own mother would walk away from me at the grocery store if I started laughing."

"I guess I'm not everybody" I say getting even closer. So close that our bodies are pressed up against each other. His eyes scan my whole face as if looking for something before they settle on my own eyes and his lips tug into a smirk.

"Is this the part where you kiss me?" He asks in a cocky tone.

I break eye contact and let my eyes linger at his pouty pink lips. "I want to. Its tempting. You're tempting." I lick my lips and find my thoughts going hazy just staring at how plump they are. "But not now" I say finally breaking my daze. He looks at me confused as he let's out a small 'huh'. "You see, every time I try to kiss you, something or someone interrupts us. So maybe if it goes the other way then I'll finally get to taste those sweet looking, big, plump, beautiful lips of yours." I explain as I lightly tap his bottom lip with my index finger.

He gives me a small smile. "Conceited much? What makes you think I'll do that?"

"You can't lie to me. You're as curious as I am at what would happen when it finally happens."

He chews on his bottom lip for a moment while he thinks. "Maybe you're right."

"Damn right I am" I say confidently. "So if anyone is kissing anyone, it'll be you initiating it."

"Okay" he says as he smoothly wraps his arms around my neck and starts playing with my hair, while licking his lips. My eyes widen at his boldness. I didn't think it would be this easy. If I would've known this, I would've felt his lips weeks ago. I close my eyes and slightly pucker my lips in anticipation. My heart starts racing in excitement as its finally about to happen. I suddenly feel a smooth full peck on my cheek instead. "I'm supposed to be outside helping the maintenance guy fix the lighting in the backyard for your parent's charity event. I'm like 10 minutes late already so that's all I can give you... for now."

I stand there probably looking like an idiot touching the spot that he just pressed his lips on as I see him strut away. "Wait!" He turns around. "Does that mean that you'll do it?"

He flashes me a small smile and gives me a wink before saying, "Someday" and continues walking.


An: so I felt like this story was lacking some Taejin since I've been too busy building up suspense and I decided to write this small filler chapter🙂 I hope you all enjoyed it. I'm trying to find a good balance between suspense and romance, I low-key think I'm failing at it lmao. Also I wasn't happy with the original chapter I was going to update, but I also felt like I was taking too long to update and that's why I decided to write this small one. I realized that the next chapter didn't really make sense with a chapter I had written for later in the story so I'm re-editing it before I type it, but hopefully it won't take any longer than it already has. Thank you all for your patience and for the time you take for reading this story that's literally gonna be all over the place soon. Please bare with me 🐻💜

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