Chapter 9

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Namjoon's POV

I feel my heart break and guilt run through my whole existence upon hearing my younger brother's words.

"I tried. I swear I tried Taehungie. I fought with Mother day and night to bring you back. I even hired a private investigator to look for you." I feel my eyes water as I remember the horrible memories of that horrible month when I didn't know where my brother was. "When I finally threatened to tell Father everything, she showed me her true colors and what she was capable of doing." I let the tears that I had been holding in fall down my face. I remember having enough. We went back and forth yelling at each other before she slapped me.


"Don't you ever talk to me like that!" She yells as I get back up from the floor.

"You're a cold-hearted bitch that had no business being a mother." I growled.

"At least you got that much right" she scoffs "Bring him in boys." Suddenly that door bursts open. Two men bringing in a teenage boy who's obviously been beaten half to death. I soon recognize him as the guy who she caught in Tae's room. A body guard walks towards Mother handing her a gun.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I yell running towards the boy. Another pair of men hold me down. I struggle to get free from their grasp but it's no use they're much stronger than I am. "He's a kid for fuck's sake."

"A kid that got in my way." She says before she pulls the trigger. I close my eyes as the gun goes off. I go in to shock as I open my eyes and now see the lifeless body on the floor.

"Clean this up. You know what to do" she ordered to one of her henchmen before walking towards me. The men still holding me kick my legs causing me to kneel down. She walks towards me and the gun in her hand is now pointing at my forehead. "That's going to be you if you keep getting in my way." I gulp trying to hold back tears.

"You don't deserve to have children" I growl trying not to show my fear as I stare straight at the barrel of the gun still pointing at me.

"Well then I think its time for me to let you in on a little secret" she said leaning down to me. "That's because I don't have kids" she whispered in my ear. My eyes widen at her words. I look up to see her retract her gun and hand it to her body guard. "Taehyung will come back when I feel that he's ready. Until then stop getting in my way. I won't hesitate to put a bullet through you or your miserable brother." She said walking away. She stops as she gets to the door and looks back at me. "I shouldn't have to say this but just in case you being a genius is just an act. You won't tell anyone, EVER, about what just happened. Understood?"

I nodded still speechless looking at the lifeless body still in front of me.

~end of flashback~

"I was a coward. I'm sorry, brother. Please forgive me." I turn back to face him only to see that he's passed out. I let out a sigh. "I love you. I don't care what that bitch says, you will always be my brother. Please forgive me." I said planting a kiss on his forehead.

Several minutes later and the cab stopped outside our house. I ended up having to carry him over my shoulder. "Damn Tae, you're really getting heavy. I need to tell Jimin to stop baking so many rice cakes." I stumble in his room and place him on the bed. I look at him debating whether I should change him out of his clothes and into some pajamas. 'Eh, he'll be fine like that' I thought while putting a blanket over him. I wished him a goodnight before going back to my own room.

Third person POV

An hour after being put to sleep a still drunk Taehyung stumbled out of bed and made his way downstairs. He walked out of the house and into the backyard and made his way to the servant's home.

"Knock, knock" he said while lightly knocking on the door. He reached for the knob and turned it surprised that the door opened. 'Wow you all really need to start locking your front door' he thought out loud. "Hehe I broke in without breaking in" he giggled to himself. He stumbled through the home looking at the names on the room doors looking for a specific one. 'Park Jimin' he smiled to himself as he knocked lightly on the door. "Jimiiin" he hissed. "My best friend is in love with you" he hissed again before continuing his search. He stopped at the room next door. 'Kim Seokjin' "Finally" he said with a boxy smile while tracing his fingers along the name before he fell to the floor thumping his head on the door.


An: So there's a lot to this story so there might be parts that are confusing for now lol, but I swear it all ties up in the end. I hope you stick around to read it💜

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