Chapter 27

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I wake up extra early to wake Jin up. I did a lot of thinking last night and concluded that I'm an asshole and I went too far. I was mad at that Ken guy for insinuating that he could have my Jin, and went overboard in trying to make it clear to him. I shouldn't have said the things I said and Jin has every right to be mad at me. So I decided to surprise him by taking him out to breakfast and taking him out on a proper date. We hardly do that since he works everyday, but I talked to father and he's totally fine with it.

I finish getting ready and head out to my employees' home. As always the front door is unlocked, so I let myself in. I knock on his door and hear no answer.

"Jin, open the door." I knock again, but it stays silent. That's weird he's such a light sleeper. He'd usually wake up by the sound of foot steps.

"Babe, come on. Let me apologize about last night." I knock once more, but there's still no answer. "Stop being so stubborn, love, and open the door." Slightly annoyed I reach to open the door to his room. I choke at what I see. My whole body goes numb for a second before I get filled with rage. Laying there on his bed are my boyfriend and the bastard he told me to stop worrying about. 'What the fuck?' I squeak out.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" I yell, which causes Ken's head to pop up. He smiles at me as he reaches to kiss Jin's neck. I storm over to the bed and yank the covers off them to confirm that they are indeed naked. "Get up!" I yell reaching for Ken. Anger takes over as I throw him off the bed and to the floor.

"What did you do to him!" I demand.

"We had a couple of drinks and I showed him a great time." He says with a smirk. I punch him in the face.

"You fucking piece of shit!" I yell once more as I continue punching him.

"Tae!" I hear someone scream, but I ignore them as I continue to use Ken as a punching bag. I'm stopped as I feel someone pulling me off of him. "You're gonna kill him! Stop!" I turn to swing at the person but my fist gets stopped by Jungkook. He holds me against the floor.

"That's enough." He says sternly.

"Oh my gosh Jin," I hear Jimin gasp when his eyes land on Jin on the bed. Jungkook quickly looks away and Jimin moves to cover him up. I see he finally starts moving with groans.

"I don't feel good," he says on a groggy tone.

"I bet you weren't saying that when you were getting fucked by him last night!" I yell back. I pull myself from Jungkook's hold and bring Jin up by the shoulders shaking him and I'm hit by the smell of alcohol. "You fucking whore! I take back my apology. You look at me with your innocent facade and act offended when I compare you to the sluts I banged when you're exactly the same! Is that why you wanted to take some time last night?!" I shout at him. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes, which just frustrates me. "Stop crying and say something!" I say shaking him again.

"Tae, stop." Jimin gets a hold of me and starts trying to pull me away from Jin. I push him back on the bed. "Don't come anywhere near me." I growl before I storm out of there. I furiously wipe the tears off my eyes. 'Stop crying you moron' I think to myself as I enter my house.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" my brother stops me.

"I'm fine." I snap back trying to get away from him, but he has too strong of a grip and pulls me towards him into a hug.

"No, you're not." He says as he starts rubbing my back. "It'll be okay though, I'm here. Brother's here." I hold on to him for dear life as I let myself sob on him.

Jimin POV

I see Kookie reaching for some clothes and throwing them at a bleeding Ken.

"Get dressed man, and stop laughing. You just got your ass kicked." Ken gets up and stumbles out.

I turn to look at Jin who still looks out of it. "Jin, what happened?"

He opens his mouth to answer but he ends up leaning to the side and starts throwing up. I  rub his back trying to sooth him until he stops. Except he doesn't. He continues and eventually starts gagging and choking and I can tell he's having trouble breathing.

"Jungkook go get Min Seo!" I yell out. He runs out of the room and I turn Jin on his side. He's desperately gasping for air. "Breathe, we're gonna get you to a doctor just breathe." I say trying to hold him up.

Min Seo soon barges into the room and her face automatically pales as she covers her eyes in horror. "What happened to him?!"

"He's overdosing, we need to get him to a hospital, Kook go get the car." He runs out and Min Seo gets a robe so we can put on him. I see the distraught face of Min Seo as we witness Jin coming in and out of consciousness. We hear a honk outside and I carry Jin out to the car.

"I need to borrow your car. Min Seo and I will take him to the hospital." I inform Jungkook as I lay Jin in the backseat.

"You don't want me to come?"

"We don't know what exactly happened and you being there is not gonna help when he wakes up. Tae needs you right now and Jin needs his aunt and I. I'll keep you updated, I love you." I kiss him goodbye and get in his car and speed off.


I sit up in bed tears still coming out of my eyes as I tell Namjoon what happened earlier.

"I don't know what to say, Tae." He says in disbelief. "I'm sorry this happened. I didn't think Jin was that kind of person. Are you sure there's not more to the story?"

"They were completely naked Joon. They reeked of alcohol. What did you think happened? They downed bottles of liquor to play Monopoly?"

"I don't know brother. This just doesn't sound like Jin." He says scratching the back of his head.

Jungkook barges in panicked. "What do you want? Why didn't you let me kill him?" I shout.

"Shut up and listen. Something's wrong with Jin."

I roll my eyes at his statement. "Yeah, no shit. He turned out to be worse than me."

"Tae you didn't see him when you left. He was in really bad shape. He was throwing up and he wasn't breathing right like he was drugged Jimin and Min Seo are driving him to the hospital right now?" I run cold and glare at my friend.

"Drugged?" I ask lowly with my hands balling into fists.

"We think the guy that was in the room drugged him." I shoot out of bed like a maniac and start running towards their home.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I yell out as I continue running.

Seoyun's POV

"Do you have the pictures?" I ask the kid in front of me who has yet to wipe blood from his face. He slaps an envelope on my desk. "Here's your money. Your work here is done you can leave now." I state as I slide an envelope filled with cash.

"You're sick you know that? We could've killed him, and now it'll just seem like I raped him. How is this going to drive him away from your son?" He asks pathetically.

"My son's an idiot, I'll find a way to convince him otherwise. Anyways his stupid friend and aunt are taking the boy to the hospital. Although, it would make it easier on me if he were not to come back."

"You need help."

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" We here yelling coming from the dining room.

"It seems to me that the one who needs help is you." I get up and stare him down. "Run." I order. "Don't get caught and don't you even think about telling anyone what I hired you to do, because it'll be the last thing you ever say. Understood?" He nods in fear and rushes out. 


Just wanted fo say I'm so grateful for the amount of support I'm getting from you all. I always get excited when I get a notification that someone commented or voted on a chapter, it really keeps my heart warm. I hope I can make this story worthy of the love I've been receiving. Thank you 💜

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