Chapter 3 - Knowing a little more!

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Third Person P.O.V

They gossiped a lot on the way. But when did Taehyung fall asleep while gossiping Jungkook didn't notice. Jungkook was wondering,

how someone could fall asleep so quickly!

Taehyung asked something and answering the question Jungkook noticed that he was sleeping! He was laughing so hard looking at the sleepyhead. But...

The boy is so pretty! Simple, beautiful but very daring. His face is too sweet.

Darkness is slowly eroding. The light of dawn came to Taehyung's face. 

It is so good to see him like this.

Jungkook never saw any boy this much beautiful. He was like an angel. When he first saw Taehyung last night, he felt nothing special about him. He sounded like all the other boys but now....he is looking different! Suddenly a whispering throat came and Jungkook snapped from his thoughts looking at the voice,

- "! that's how you fell in love."

Jungkook slowly said,

- "Huff, you started again Yogyeom! Get lost!"

- "So? Why did you look at him that way? I've been watching for a long time. He is beautiful no? Do you like him?"

- "Hmm! Travelers love seeing natural beauty."

- "What do you mean by natural beauty?"

- "Look at him. Not quite as fake as you are, quite natural. And look at his face, how the dawn shone on him."

- "Huh! You are mean!"

Yogyeom was gone. After a while, Taehyung's head suddenly fell on Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook saw that his head was slightly bent over his shoulder. He sat down a bit so that Taehyung can comfortably put his head on his shoulder. Taehyung was able to put his head at ease. A sweet scent came from the inside of his hair. Jungkook felt some weirdest feelings. It felt like if the boy will lie on his shoulder all his life, it would not be....bad.

But the boy is a kid still.

About half an hour passed like that. Jungkook can't ever sleep on a bus. So when the whole bus went to sleep, he still woke up alone. Suddenly the bus moved abruptly. Looks like the Speed breaker crossed. And Taehyung's sleep was broken. He blinked his eyes many times and his eyes caught with Jungkook. Taehyung noticed, he was lying on the others shoulders! He got shy and moved away quickly. Then he said shyly looking down,

- "Sorry about that."

Jungkook softly smiled and said,

- "It's okay."

From then on, it seemed like a mob was working between them. They couldn't say anything. After a while, Jungkook said,

- "Please be normal, I didn't mind."

Taehyung looked at his eyes and thought,

There is something in this boy's eyes. But what is that!

When the bus reached Wando city, it was 4 in the morning. At the entrance to Wando, Taehyung was surprised to see all the surrounding. The roads on which they were, was very high. And their bus is going upwards. Taehyung felt a strange thrill. This is the first time for him on a hill road. He has never been to Degu also. Beomeosa Temple was a hiking experience but he never felt these up and down roads from a bus journey. Suddenly the bus turned left. On the left side of the road is a circle shape shaft! And that is the Wando bus stand! On the opposite side of the bus stand, a large hill that was looking like a wall.

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