Chapter 60 - UNS!

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Third Person P.O.V

Half an hour of driving, they reached Jungkook's house. Taehyung rushes towards the door as soon as he reached. Jin and Mr. Kim also runs after him. Taehyung rings the door bell continuously but no reply. After a minute, one young girl opens the door and looks at them with furrowing eyes.

"Yes?" She asks looking at Taehyung who is peeking inside the house without even looking at her.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung asks in his broken tone and his body starts shivering when he hears the girl saying, "Oppa leaves for the church a few minutes ago."

She checks out Taehyung from head to toe as she asks, narrowing her eyes, " you have any message for him? You can tell me, I'll give him the message."

And the next second, the girl feels a wind on her cheeks as she sees the three males rushing out of the main gate.

"Jinnie, please drive faster." Taehyung says as he gulps a dry air inside his mouth. His breath is coming unevenly.

Please God, please don't take him from me.

Jin is also shivering from fear. Fear of seeing Taehyung break again. He drove as fast as he could and in 10 minutes they reach the church. It was near Jungkook's house so it didn't take them too long.

Taehyung gets down from the car. His knees getting weak as he looks at the church gate. Jin gets out in a hurry so as Mr. Kim. They rush inside but halt when they see Taehyung stills in his position.

"Tae, come on! We are already late." Jin shouts looking back at Taehyung. The younger is trembling in fear.

Fear of losing! What will happen to him if the marriage has already happened?

This one thought was holding Taehyung up in his position. Jin understands his situation so he runs towards him and holds his cheeks softly saying, "I know it's tough. But you have to do it. You've been so strong all these years. You can't lose your hope now, Tae. Go and get your man, yeah? Do you hear me?"

Taehyung looks at Jin with his teary eyes as he hugs him tightly and nods his head violently. The younger sees no one else as he runs towards the church door. He opens the door and steps inside the church.

The church is fully silent so the crack sound of the door catches the attention of everyone. There are a few people who look behind to see Taehyung breathing deeply. The younger looks in front to see Jungkook standing right before the priest facing Hosoek.

Everything was happening so fast but it felt like a slow-motion to Taehyung as he slowly walked through the middle of the church. Jungkook sees him after a few seconds and his eyes widens seeing the younger walking towards him. His lips curve into a big smile as his eyes fill with tears.

"TaeTae!?" Jisoo calls out and Jungkook's mother also looks behind to see a messy boy in a messy condition standing right in the middle of the church.

Jungkook forgets everything that the priest just said to him as he walks forward to Taehyung. They aren't leaving each other's eyes for a single moment.

Hosoek is calling him continuously but the elder doesn't care about anyone at that time. Because his own world is standing right before him.

Taehyung smiles looking at the elder who is coming forward to him. Their eyes never leave each other and their smile as well.

"You''re looking handsome." Taehyung says in his broken voice with a soft smile when Jungkook stands before him. The elder chuckles through his tears.

"And you're looking like some trash." The elder states and the two males start laughing, though tears are falling continuously from their eyes.

"Why is your phone switched off?" Taehyung asks as a sad pout creates on his face.

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