Chapter 46 - Little moment

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook woke up when it was 7 in the morning. He did a little workout and ran for sometime in the resort garden. He came back to his cottage at 8.30 and Taehyung was still sleeping at that time. They have to go for scuba diving at 10 so now Jungkook is on a mission and that is 'Wake up his sleepyhead.'

"Tae? Baby, wake up. We have to go scuba diving remember?" Jungkook softly calls the younger combing his hairs with his fingers. But Taehyung isn't in this world.

Jungkook now shakes him a little bit and calls again, "Baby, please wake up. It's gonna be raining today and we have to hurry." Taehyung moves a little as he covers his head with the comforter.

Jungkook huffs in defeat as he enters into the comforter and for some minutes, he forgets why he did that seeing the beautiful sleeping face. He stares at Taehyung like this for a few minutes and then snaps a picture of his sleeping face. Taehyung isn't even moving a bit without whining a little.

Jungkook smirks as an idea pops in his head. He turns the younger around and starts giving soft butterfly touches on his neck. Taehyung squeaks a little as he whines saying, "mmmmhmm, le mwe sweep."

Everytime his deep sleepy voice turns Jungkook on and this time also, it doesn't fail. The elder now leans down slowly as he starts placing some open mouthed kiss on Taehyung's neck. The younger clutches Jungkook's shirt after that as he moans softly saying, "mmmm, stop. I'm up."

Jungkook chuckles on his neck as he knew this would work. He looks at Taehyung as the younger is trying to hide his tinted red face.

"Wanna have a piggy bag?" Jungkook whispers and the younger nods his head softly with his eyes closed.

Jungkook stands up at the side of the bed and waits for Taehyung to jump on his back. After a few seconds, the younger jumps on his back and Jungkook grins wider as he takes him towards the washroom.

He places the younger on the side of the basin and gives him his toothbrush. Taehyung receives the toothbrush while rubbing his eyes.

Messy hair, swallowing face and red puffy eyes, everything is looking gorgeous on this little beauty. Jungkook admires the face while Taehyung brushes his teeth like a little baby.

After brushing his teeth, he gives the brush to Jungkook and the elder raises his brow seeing that action.

"What? Aren't you going to get me ready?" Taehyung asks like it isn't a big matter and Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head. He washes Taehyung's face and gives him water to clear his mouth and then does everything to him that Taehyung used to do every morning.

Jungkook is about to carry him once again but Taehyung stops him saying, "I need to pee." Jungkook looks at him as he says in his teasing tone, "So do you need my help with that? Can I do that on behalf of you?"

Taehyung hits the elder on his chest as he smiles shyly. "Go away." Jungkook chuckles and then goes away from the washroom leaving the younger to do his natural things.

It took a good 20 minutes for Jungkook to get Taehyung ready and also get himself ready. The younger doesn't even hold a thing today. Jungkook doesn't mind though. He loves to pamper his love and Taehyung loves to be pampered. They had their breakfast in the resort.

They took their swimsuits and left the resort when it was 10 in the morning. They were late but it was a good morning for the both of them. They came here to spend their moments together and those little moments will help them live without each other.

The sky is gloomy today. There is a possibility of a storm. Jungkook is looking at the sky as he gets tensed about their little plan. Taehyung holds his hand and gives a firm squeeze saying, "Kookie, it's okay. We can do that tomorrow if it'll not be possible today."

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