Chapter 54 - Amend

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook comes back to his room with the soup and milkshake. Taehyung is still sleeping. He slowly puts the tray on the nightstand. He sits beside the younger and softly touches his forehead to check the temperature which is still very high.

"Tae? Baby? Get up. You've to eat something." Jungkook whispers softly on his ears as he strokes the younger's soft locks. Taehyung just moves a bit but doesn't react.

"Tae? Tae, get up." Jungkook now shakes his body a little and the younger whines, "I don't wanna go home. Pwease." Jungkook furrows his brow hearing that.

He must be dreaming.

"If you don't wake up now, I'll take you to your home." Jungkook doesn't know why he said that but it works as Taehyung snaps his eyes open and looks at Jungkook.

His eyes are completely red and puffy. Jungkook feels a tug in his lumps but he smiles softly looking at the boy who is also smiling looking at him.

You just came to increase my infatuation!

"Come on, you've to eat. Get up." Taehyung gets himself closer to the elder as he hides his face in Jungkook's chest.

"I…..your sexy voice." His words are coming like raindrops. You know when raindrops fall on the ground on each other, one after another? Taehyung's words are coming like that. The words are shoving each other and it comes incomplete but Jungkook understands everything. 

"We can't eat voices, dummy." Jungkook chuckles softly hearing his baby voice and insensible words. Taehyung furrows his brow closing his eyes as he holds Jungkook's neck tightly.

"Okay, you….don't have to…. give me, I'll take it by myshelf!" With that the younger pulls Jungkook slowly as he places a very soft and deep kiss on Jungkook's throat. Jungkook closes his eyes with the feeling of his hot lips on his throat. 

His heart is thumping loudly inside his chest. Almost after 3 weeks, he is having Taehyung so closely. It's tough to stay away from him but now that Jungkook knows, he'll go back again, it's hurting him. 

They touched each other quite a lot of times but every time they touch each other, it feels like they are touching for the first time. Taehyung again leans on his pillow tiredly.

"Get up now. You've to eat something." Jungkook says clearing his voice as he holds the younger's hand to help him get up. Taehyung gets up as he half seated on the bed, leaning his head on the headboard and he looks at Jungkook's hand where a bowl of soup is present.

Taehyung scrunches his nose up as he shakes his head like a baby and whines, "I won't eat that."

Jungkook knew this will happen so he used his previous weapon and says in his stern but soft voice.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Taehyung shakes his head again with a big pout. Jungkook wanted to kiss the pout away but stopped himself.

"Then you've to finish this soup and will have your medicine. Then you'll get that strawberry milkshake as a reward." Taehyung's eyes lights up hearing the name of strawberry as he looks at the nightstand and then again looks at Jungkook.

"Okkay." he says that with a pout and Jungkook smiles softly feeding him the first spoon of soup. Taehyung gulps the soup making a weird face. Nothing tastes good in this situation.

He looks at Jungkook as he holds his neck softly with his one hand and asks, "Will….you….marry me tommmmorow?"

He is talking like a baby and Jungkook just wants him to hide inside his chest and never let him go. But he can't do that right?.

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