Chapter 38 - The End Of Relation!

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Third Person P.O.V

Suddenly a doorbell catches Jungkook’s attention as he came in reality from his thoughts. He opens the door and sees his mother. “Where is Taehyung?” as soon as Mrs. Jeon enters the house, she asks looking at Jungkook.

“In my room.” Jungkook answers in his soft voice. His face became pale and dark circles were quite visible. Mrs. Jeon directly goes to Jungkook’s room where Taehyung is sleeping. Jungkook closes the main door and enters his room. He sees his mother sitting beside Taehyung, stroking his fluffy hair with her hands. 

“Oh God! look at my poor child.” Mrs. Jeon’s eyes are watery as she kisses on the cheeks of Taehyung’s now pale face. Jungkook sits on a chair beside the bed. 

“How did you know that he is here?” Jungkook asks looking at his mother. Mrs. Jeon wipes her tears and says looking at Jungkook, “Jisoo called me and told me about him.”

“Oh!” Jungkook looked down after that. His mother again looks at Taehyung as she creases his face.

“His eyes are looking so small. He was so beautiful and pure. Now look at him, he is just looking like a dead body. How cruel a family can be!” Mrs. Jeon’s voice cracks while saying that. She tries her best to solve the matter between the two families but everything has a limit.

“Let it go mom.” Jungkook says as he looks at Taehyung. He gulps a lump in his throat as he knows how much his family loves Taehyung.

“Why will I? There is no peace and happiness in my family only because of this cruel family. You didn’t even marry another one because of him. You've waited for him for like 4 years. What did you get in return? Insult! You're waiting for him for no reason. His family will never agree." Mrs. Jeon cries out saying all this and Jungkook just looks down. He has nothing to just defend himself.

“Mom, this is not the right time for all these.” Jungkook says in his soft voice. He is tired. Tired of waiting, tired of defending, tired of….fighting.

“Why not? This is the perfect time. Look at him. His own family is not dropping their ego for their own son. How cruel and careless they are and you are still waiting for him? Leave him forever Kook. you’re enough intelligent to understand what I’m trying to explain.” Jungkook’s mother replies in her serious tone. Jungkook doesn’t reply. He has nothing to reply.

Mrs. Jeon then changes the topic as she asks, “I heard they gave him sleeping pills?” Jungkook looks up at her and replies shaking his head, “They injected him.”

“So? How will you take him home if he would be sleeping?” Mrs. Jeon asks slightly irritated. You can’t blame her also. She is also a mother first so she will think about his son and that’s normal.

“Doctor said he will be awake in 3 to 4 hours. If he won’t wake up even after then I will wake him up and take him to his house.” Jungkook says in his calm tone. Mrs. Jeon exhales deeply. There is frustration, irritation and sadness in that exhale. 

“It would be much better if you would marry Hosoek. I can’t take this drama anymore.” Mrs. Jeon says looking down at Taehyung. She loves him but there is something called patience which she lost already.

“I don’t like him mom.” Jungkook says sternly. Mrs. Jeon furrows her brows as she replies, “Your feelings have no value to him so you should marry the one who loves you dearly. Hosoek is a very good boy. He loves you a lot. He will take care of you always.” 

“Husbands are not only for taking care of and all. And it's not true that my feelings have no value to Taehyung.” Mrs. Jeon looks at him with angry eyes. She raised her voice a little as replies, “Yes he has but for him, his family’s priority is more than you.”

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