Author's Note 💜

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Hey peeps,

What? You really thought that I'm gonna apart them? Come on! I can never do that! 😁

Huff! It was a long one! Right? A journey of almost 5 months. Thank you to those readers who have been with me through this long journey.

This concept of the story was in my head almost 7 years back when I was a teenager. But I never really wrote it anywhere. 'Taekook' is the best pair to write this story down.

This is a common issue in our region that is Asia, mostly South Asia and I hope my south asian readers will agree with me on that. But for other readers, it could be familiar also. We never know what happens in the journey of love, right?

Anyways, I wrote it finally and with 'Taekook'. This story can't be more beautiful without them in it and I'm proud of myself actually. It was a challenge for me. It's really hard to make them cry. Trust me, I cried the most when I wrote this story.

Another thing, I'm sorry for making our precious Namjoon a bad one here. I don't know why but I felt like this character will suit him the most.

I tried my level best to make this story different. I tried to change my writing style as well. English isn't my first language so Forgive me for my all grammatical mistakes. 🙏

Thank you so so so much for reading this story, and commenting afterwards. Thank you for voting also. It means a lot to me. This is the only way I escape from the real life for a while so your appreciation is keeping me going. 💜

Thank you one last time. 😘

I love you all a lot. ❤

Signing off from another journey of love with Taekook 💜

A crazy but yours 'author'
Princiya Sultana

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