Chapter 14 - Mission

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook talked with his mother while going outside and told his father to send some money to his account because they were running short of money. They never know what will happen next so it's better for them to get prepared for any kind of trouble. But he wanted to thank their fate somehow because if they didn't lose Yogyeom and others, maybe these all would never happen.

Yesterday the whole day and night...there was fear, danger but they had the best time of their whole life or more precisely Jungkook had his best time. He was feeling something different for this boy that he never felt before for anyone. 

But is Taehyung feeling the same as me? If he doesn't then he wouldn't check me out in that way last night. He wouldn't even ask me what type of boys I like.

Jungkook thought as he knew that Taehyung was also feeling the same as him. He had to make sure about this matter.

After shopping Jungkook came back to the guest house and knocked at their shared room door.

Taehung asked,
- "Who's this?"

Jungkook had some mischievous ideas in his head as he kept silent and again knock the door.

Taehyung again asked,
- "Who's this?"

Jungkook didn't reply this time as well and again knock the door.

Taehyung replied,
- "Listen, if you don't answer, I'll not open the door."

- "Alright, It's me. Open the door."

Taehyung huffed in relief as he got scared for a second. He opened the door and said irritably,
- "That was not funny at all!"

Jungkook couldn't say anything as his eyes stick on the beautiful angel before him. Taehyung just had a shower and he wore a light blue t-shirt which was way too big for his tiny little body. The pink flesh of his exposed shoulder and collarbone was clearly blending with the t-shirt perfectly.

There was no makeup on his face. His hair was messy and wet. Waters were dropping from his messy hair. He saw something this smoothness in the nature only after rain but never in a human being. Jungkook was getting so jealous of that tiny drop of waters that happened to be on Taehyung's cheek just under his eyes. 

Taehyung was not prepare for Jungkook’s intense stare

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Taehyung was not prepare for Jungkook’s intense stare. He was kinda feeling uncomfortable though the feeling was nice. He never felt this good about himself ever before. 

They were silent for sometime. Jungkook suddenly noticed that he was shamelessly staring at the younger without even blinking so he quickly looked away.

He tried to behave normally and said,
- “Come on, let’s eat. I’m hungry.”

- ye...yeah” Taehyung stuttered looking away.

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