Chapter 57 - Another lifetime

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook got up from his bed at a fast speed and took a quick shower. He wore a plain white t-shirt under a printed jacket. He paired them with black jeans, kinda the same as Taehyung. He strokes his locks twice and runs out of his room. 

"Kook, where are you going?" Mrs

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"Kook, where are you going?" Mrs. Jeon calls him from behind when she was making his son's favourite breakfast. She furrows his brow seeing him rushing out of the house and calls him quickly.

"Mom, I had a meeting. I'll be back soon, I promise." He comes closer as he hugs his mother briefly.

"I told you to cancel everything for today." Jungkook chuckles seeing his mother's pouty face.

"I know mom. I won't take long." Jungkook says and his mother softly smiles as she softly places a kiss on his cheeks saying, "Happy birthday honey. Mom loves you a lot." 

"I love you too." Jungkook also kisses her back as he runs out of the living room. His mother knows why he is rushing, she just prays that he would come back with that smile on his face.

Jungkook reached the cafe in 15 minutes as it was opposite of his own office but now that he is in the cafe, there is no Taehyung present in here. He looks around for some moments but there is no one besides one old couple. It's only 10.30 in the morning anyway.

Jungkook takes out his phone to re-check Taehyung's call because he might have hallucinated the moment. It could be possible. So he checks that and he is confirmed that Taehyung did call him today.

Then where are you Tae?

"Mr. Jeon?" A waiter calls him from behind as Jungkook looks behind at him furrowing his brows.

"Yeah?" He nods his head, gesturing the boy to talk. The boy smiles softly as he places a paper on his hand. 

Jungkook doesn't understand but takes it nonetheless. He opens the paper and his eyes furrow deeper when he reads out,

I am cute, I am sweet, people think me as their blessings
But some of them left me before I could even utter basic greetings!

Find me where am I? 

Jungkook sits down on a chair as he looks at the paper. He sighs deeply. 

Seriously Tae? I'm going to see you after 1 and a half years and here you're playing games with me? At 10 in the morning? 

He closes his eyes and tries to think about what this place Taehyung is talking about.

"I am cute, I am sweet? Who is cute?" Jungkook mumbles as he re-read the paper. He places his index finger on his lips as he tries to remind all the places they might have gone before. 

"Could even utter basic greetings? Hmmm...people left me?" suddenly a vision came to his mind. A place where he and Taehyung went almost 5 years back on Taehyung's birthday. He loved that place. Jungkook still remembers the line Taehyung said on that day,

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