Chapter 25 - Happiness

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Taehyung noticed how Jungkook's eyes stopped when they met with his lips. He inhaled a sharp breath seeing Jungkook to lick his own lips seductively and also when he felt Jungkook's grips on his waist tightened as he said whispering softly,

"Kiss me."

Third Person P.O.V

Taehyung was like his breathing stopped and his whole body felt numb as soon as he heard Jungkook's seductive vowels. He never saw Jungkook's this side and oh! How much he was loving this side of him.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung once again holding his waist and the said boy shuddered when Jungkook started digging his nails inside his soft flesh! 

The sound of the chocolate bar packet became louder as Taehyung's grip tightened on it. He noticed Jungkook leaned in slowly closing his eyes and now their noses were touching and lips were brushing. Jungkook's grip on the chocolate bar loosened a bit as he tried to touch Taehyung's cheeks. Heartbeats fastened and Jungkook was about to touch Taehyung's lips when the younger bit his lips with a naughty grin and quickly pulled the bar from Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook was taken aback as he never expected this to happen when they were just inches closer. The whole car resonated with cute giggles and laughter of Taehyung who was laughing hard seeing Jungkook's 'dumpfounded' face.

It took some time for Jungkook to understand what just happened as he said after some time whining a little,

"That's not fair."

"Oh really? And what you did was fair?" Taehyung raised his brow and asked.

Jungkook chuckled shaking his head a bit as he settled himself lazily on his seat. 

"I just wanted a small kiss." Jungkook pouted looking  at the glass in front of him.

Taehyung looked at him smiling softly as he said munching on the chocolate bar happily, "Have some patience Mr. Jeon." 

"I love you." Jungkook said smiling.

"I know that" Taehyung gave a wink with a naughty grin.

"What's this? You didn't reply yet." Jungkook pouted sadly.

Taehyung smiled widely and said, "What I just said? Have patience!" The younger surely loved to tease Jungkook.

"Ah, I wish we could live together!" Jungkook said softly looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung's smile falter a bit when he heard that from the older. Taehyung's family is kind of a modern conservative family. They accept Taehyung's homosexuality but they are not a big fan of "living relationship". They are totally against it and they both knew it. 

They had discussed about this matter before. Taehyung didn't tell his family about Jungkook yet because he was too afraid to say when he got to know that his elder brother and Jungkook knew each other already. He thought about to talk to his brother first and then anyone else. 

"We've discussed it Kookie." Taehyung said softly.

"Yeah I know." Jungkook nodded his head a little sighing deeply. "I've told my mom about you today."

"What? Suddenly?" Taehyung sat up a bit as he asked with his wide eyes.

"She kept saying me to meet with Hobi because they wanted us to be together I guess. So I needed to tell her about you." Jungkook said nonchalantly.

"Hobi?" Taehyung frowned his brow deeper as he questioned.

"My second cousin. He liked me a lot but I don't like him at all. Mom and Dad wants us to get married in future as he is handsome and also Mom's favourite." Jungkook rolled his eyes saying those last words.

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