Chapter 24 - Kiss me

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Third Person P.O.V

How beautifully they had spent those 5 years! It was all like a dream! Jungkook looked at the sleeping beauty with his teary eyes when he recalled the beautiful dream they had lived together.

All of a sudden Jungkook proposed and Taehyung replied with a tight and sweet hug. After that their beautiful dream started. When Jungkook used to go to his university in the morning, Taehyung used to be in his deep sleep at that time.

It was a moment of the next day morning after their official relationship.  Taehyung was asleep. His phone was continuously ringing. Jungkook was calling him. He picked up the phone somehow with his eyes closed and said "Hello" in his sleepy deep raspy voice. That voice gave a sharp pinch inside Jungkook's chest, right at the left side. 

He said sweetly,

- "Is my 'sleeping beauty' still sleeping?

- "I couldn't sleep last night. Pwease let me sleep."

Again that deep sleepy voice! Every word was like bumping with each other. It was sounding so good and cute as well. When Jungkook woke him up to see the sunrise at Jeju, Taehyung spoke in the same way that day. But Jungkook felt something different now. Maybe that's because of the change of their relationship? 

Taehyung was behaving differently. There was some kind of affection going on his tone. Jungkook loved that tone as he said,

- "If you talk seductively now, I'll come to your house right away."

- "Okay come."

Jungkook chuckled widely. He knew this little head was talking in his sleep. Otherwise he would've died from blushing madly after this reply. Jungkook bit his lips and said softly,

- "If I come then….."

Taehyung didn't let Jungkook to finish the sentence as he said in his baby voice,

- "You have to kiss me on my forehead like you did at Jeju. But I won't wake up."

- "Naughty boy! Were you awake? Jungkook exclaimed with his surprised tone but a sweet smile was lingering on his face.

- "Yaap! I pretended to be asleep so that you carry me." Taehyung said nonchalantly but Jungkook knew there was a naughty smile lingering on his face.

- "Such a tease! I won't ever carry you again." Jungkook said with a teasing voice.

- "Aaaaaaa…..I thought you'll carry me all your life." Jungkook smiled brightly thinking about the pouty face of Taehyung while he said that.

Jungkook chuckled as he said,
- "I was kidding baby. I'd love to carry you all my life."

Taehyung's stomach fluttered everytime hearing the nickname Jungkook called. What a morning! He always wanted this kind of morning. Now that it was happening, Taehyung wasn't really ready to open his eyes and feel that in reality. He was scared that it would be a dream and if he opens his eyes, this beautiful dream will break.

Taehyung asked slowly hiding his face into his pillow deeper,
- "Promise?"

- "I promise baby." 

Taehyung smiled softly and Jungkook again said,
- "Now guess, why did I call you this early?"

- "Why?" Taehyung asked now sitting up a bit, rubbing his eyes.

- "How can I start my day without seeing you?"

- "But I can't go out right now. What will I say to mom?"

- "You don't have to come out. Just come to your balcony. I'm standing right before your balcony."

Taehyung sat up this time completely, with his wide eyes he quickly ran to the balcony which is attached with his room. Jungkook was standing right across the road facing him, a bright smile was in his face which is a 'bunny smile' for Taehyung. 

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