Chapter 56 - Love knows no age

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Third Person P.O.V

After two weeks, Taehyung's father came back home from hospital. Taehyung felt a relief after that. Doctor has said that they should take proper care of him now and also he can't do any heavy work that can affect his body or heart. He has to be fully in bed rest and also has to take his medicines on time.

Nowadays, Taehyung is trying to be normal and happy. Just only for his father. He usually gossiped with his father all evening after returning from office.

Nowadays the younger laugh a lot but at night? The night only knows how he is actually. His pillow and his bed sheets only know how he is dealing with his life. 

Which Taehyung never needed any particular time to sleep, that Taehyung can't sleep all day and night now. Changing sides on the bed throughout the night, crying while hugging his pillow, drawing several lines to decrease his anger and also checking all the pictures of the elder the whole night. All over, his life is going fucking amazing. 

They used to talk on the phones at night. Those nights know a lot of history of their story but now this night also feels numb.

Taehyung didn't call Jungkook after their last encounter, the elder also didn't call him. Their memories are the only thing that is helping Taehyung to breath. He is passing his life like this everyday, alively dead.


1 year later...

After coming from office, Taehyung took a quick shower and got ready. He is already late.

Mrs. Kim enters his room as she smiles looking at him. "Look at you, my big baby. I can't believe you're going to get married." Taehyung's mother says dramatically.

She has been behaving very well for the last 6 months. She becomes like before, caring and smiley to Taehyung.

Taehyung also smiles at her as he says rolling his eyes, "Mom, today is just the engagement. I'm not going to leave you all so soon." 

"Sehun will fall in love with you today, once again." Mrs. Kim says again as she hugs her son with a big smile. Taehyung also smiles back.

It's a permanent smile on his face. 

Engagement, it's only a process for Taehyung. A process to make his family happy. Today is his engagement with…..Sehun. Yeah, he is finally doing it. 

It's a small function. No ones come without their families. Sehun's family have already reached Taehyung's house as the program is happening here and they are all waiting for Taehyung.

The younger comes down after a bit. He stands before Sehun who is fondly smiling at him. Taehyung gives back a smile as he looks around to see the room.

Everyone is gossiping, laughing. Today everyone is happy and the reason is only Taehyung.

Suddenly his gaze locks with Sehun who straddle a bit and look away immediately.

If Jungkook would be in his place, he never would have looked away.

Taehyung chuckles lightly thinking,

No one can take his place in my heart. No one!

They exchange their rings and Sehun softly holds his hands. That touch doesn't give any ticklish feelings to Taehyung. He just feels numb, as usual.

Taehyung looks at his father who is laughing and the younger smiles softly. He is happy to see his father happy. He is the only reason that Taehyung didn't take his life yet!

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