Chapter 22 - Little Tiger

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A/N: Thank you so so much for 1k reads! 💜💜💜 I purple you guys a lot! 😘💜


Third Person P.O.V

The rain witnessed a beautiful never ending relationship which was about to get started. They hugged each other under the rain. There was no one on the road without them. Only the sound of the rain falling and their heartbeats could be heard. 

After what felt like a decade, Jungkook broke the hug and looked at Taehyung's eyes. The said boy was looking down.

"Tae?" Jungkook called whispering softly.

Taehyung looked up slowly and then Jungkook smiled widely looking at him,

"Can I have your number now?"

Taehyung chuckled, nodding in affirmation he gavi his number.

"Okay now go back and change your clothes otherwise you'll catch a cold. I'll call you in 30 minutes yeah?" Jungkook said smiling softly.

Taehyung nodded his head and was about to go when he stopped and said looking at Jungkook,

"You didn't even write the number. Will you remember it?"

Jungkook repeated the number and Taehyung realized he said the exact number. He smiled brightly and backed off slowly tip toeing one and two step back. Then he went to his house back forbidding a proper 'goodbye' to the elder this time.

When Taehyung was entering his house he realized he hugged Jungkook in front of his. He shivered in fear!

Did anyone see?

It's rather his family members or some other neighbours, if anyone had seen them it will be a big massacre because no one knows Jungkook in his family and also he doesn't look like Taehyung's friend in any way. Jungkook is older than him and anyone would understand that easily. 

Taehyung gulped hard as he slowly entered the main gate and saw no one there in the hallway. He sighed in relief and quickly went to his room. 

As soon as Taehyung entered his house, Jungkook left for his. Hundreds of raindrops are falling accumulating on the road. This general view also looked remarkable that day. 

I knew you loved me too. But why do I feel so good and......different? 

Jungkook thought and smiled brightly. He was on cloud 9. At home, he changed his wet clothes and took out the plastic bag from his pocket. While It rained he took a plastic bag from a street food cart to save his phone from the rain water. Yet the phone got wet. 

He wiped the water on his phone and typed Taehyung's number. It seemed to come in the suggestion! Taehyung's number was used before in his phone! How? As soon as he got into the contact list, he saw a call came from this number that morning, and he remembered talking badly that time. 

That means he found out the phone number from his father's phone! Oh my God! And what did you do Kook? You scolded him and talked badly? Shit!

Jungkook cursed himself in his mind and dialed the number. His heartbeat fastened when he heard the ringing sound. Immediately after one ring, he heard that smooth deep voice saying,

- "Hello?"

- "Hey. Did you change your clothes?"

Taehyung was sitting with the phone in his hand. He was waiting for the call just to hear that sweet melodic voice once again. The voice felt like some cherry blossom flowers to him which he was holding in his chest inside his mind unknowingly. He wanted to hold them with his both hands.

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